Angiokeratoma is a benign cutaneous lesion of capillaries, resulting in small marks of red to blue color and characterized by hyperkeratosis. Angiokeratoma corporis diffusum refers to Fabry's disease, but this is usually considered a distinct condition.
Angiokeratomas は血管内の増殖であり、皮膚上に盛り上がった赤みがかった〜黒の隆起や斑点として現れます。これらは、色、形、位置が異なり、単一または複数の病変として発生する可能性があります。この研究では、外科的切除と 595-nm pulsed dye レーザー (PDL) で治療され、症状が軽減され、外観が改善された血管角腫の 2 例について説明します。 Angiokeratomas are vascular neoplasms with hyperkeratotic red to black papules and plaques, which may present as solitary or multiple lesions with variations in color, shape, and location. Successful treatment not only involves improvement of these symptoms but also cosmetic improvement. This report reviews 2 cases of cutaneous angiokeratoma treated with surgical excision and a 595-nm pulsed dye laser (PDL) in which the patients showed improvement of symptoms and cosmetic appearance. There are various types of angiokeratomas, and their extent, size, condition, and symptoms are different. Therefore, lesion-specific combined treatments may yield better results.
Angiokeratoma circumscriptum は血管角腫の最もまれな形態であり、主に女性に見られる症状です。これは、下肢に暗赤色から青黒色の隆起または結節の塊として現れ、通常は体の分節性と体の片側の両方にパターンとして現れます。 Angiokeratoma circumscriptum is the rarest form of angiokeratoma, a condition mainly found in females. It shows up as dark-red to blue-black clusters of bumps or nodules on the lower limbs, typically in a pattern that's both segmental and on one side of the body.
○ 診断と治療
#Skin biopsy