Squamous-cell skin cancer is one of the main types of skin cancer along with basal cell cancer, and melanoma. It usually presents as a hard lump with a scaly top but can also form an ulcer. Onset is often over months. Squamous-cell skin cancer is more likely to spread to distant areas than basal cell cancer. When confined to the outermost layer of the skin, a precancerous or in situ form of cSCC is known as Bowen's disease.
Bowen's disease (BD) は、皮膚の外層 (表皮) で発生する皮膚がんの一種です。白人に多く見られ、日光にさらされる場所でよく発生しますが、他の場所でも発生する可能性があります。 BD は通常、単一の病変として現れます。 BD は、より重篤な種類の皮膚がんが発症する前の警告サインとして見られることがよくあります。 BD を診断するために、医師は通常、顕微鏡下で組織サンプルを検査する (生検) ことに頼っています。 Bowen's disease (BD) is an in-situ squamous cell carcinoma of epidermis. The etiology of BD is multifactorial with high incidence among Caucasians. BD is common in photo-exposed areas of skin, but other sites can also be involved. Lesions are usually solitary. The morphology of BD differs based on age of the lesion, site of origin, and the degree of keratinization. BD is considered as the lull before the storm, which precedes an overt squamous cell carcinoma. Histopathology is the gold standard diagnostic modality to confirm the diagnosis.
Bowen's disease は、主に 60 歳以上の白人が罹患します。主な危険因子としては、長期にわたる日光曝露、免疫システムの低下、ヒ素曝露、皮膚 HPV 感染などが挙げられます。 HPV 株 16、18、34、および 48 は、生殖器領域のボーエン病に関連しています。非生殖器症例における HPV の関与はあまり明らかではありません。 Bowen disease is most commonly found in white patients over 60 years old. Other risk factors include chronic sun exposure, immunosuppression, arsenic exposure and cutaneous human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. HPV types 16, 18, 34 and 48 cause Bowen disease at genital sites; the role of HPV in nongenital cases of Bowen disease is less well defined. HPV types 2, 16, 34 and 35 have been rarely identified within nongenital lesions.
○ 診断と治療
#Skin biopsy
#Mohs surgery
#Photodynamic therapy