Keloid - ケロイドケロイド
☆ ドイツの2022年Stiftung Warentestの結果では、ModelDermに対する消費者満足度は有料の遠隔医療相談よりもわずかに低いだけでした。 relevance score : -100.0%
References Keloid 29939676 NIH
Keloids result from abnormal wound healing in response to skin trauma or inflammation. Keloid development rests on genetic and environmental factors. Higher incidences are seen in darker skinned individuals of African, Asian, and Hispanic descent. Overactive fibroblasts producing high amounts of collagen and growth factors are implicated in the pathogenesis of keloids. As a result, classic histologic findings demonstrate large, abnormal, hyalinized bundles of collagen referred to as keloidal collagen and numerous fibroblasts. Keloids present clinically as firm, rubbery nodules in an area of prior injury to the skin. In contrast to normal or hypertrophic scars, keloidal tissue extends beyond the initial site of trauma. Patients may complain of pain, itching, or burning. Multiple treatment modalities exist although none are uniformly successful. The most common treatments include intralesional or topical steroids, cryotherapy, surgical excision, radiotherapy, and laser therapy.
Keloid treatments: an evidence-based systematic review of recent advances 36918908 NIH
現在の研究は、コルチコステロイド注射と併用したシリコーンゲルまたはシートがケロイドの好ましい初期治療であることを示唆しています。有効性にはばらつきがありますが、病変内 5-フルオロウラシル (5-FU) 、ブレオマイシン、ベラパミルなどの追加治療も考慮されます。レーザー治療をコルチコステロイド注射または閉塞下での局所ステロイドと組み合わせると、薬物の浸透を高めることができます。難治性ケロイドの場合は、外科的切除とその後の即時放射線療法が効果的であることが示されています。最後に、シリコン シートと圧迫療法を使用すると、ケロイドの再発の可能性が低下することが証明されています。
Current literature supports silicone gel or sheeting with corticosteroid injections as first-line therapy for keloids. Adjuvant intralesional 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), bleomycin, or verapamil can be considered, although mixed results have been reported with each. Laser therapy can be used in combination with intralesional corticosteroids or topical steroids with occlusion to improve drug penetration. Excision of keloids with immediate post-excision radiation therapy is an effective option for recalcitrant lesions. Finally, silicone sheeting and pressure therapy have evidence for reducing keloid recurrence.
Keloids: a review of therapeutic management 32905614 NIH
There continues to be no gold standard of treatment that provides a consistently low recurrence rate; however the increasing number of available treatments and synergistic combinations of these treatments (i.e., laser-based devices in combination with intralesional steroids, or 5-fluorouracil in combination with steroid therapy) is showing favorable results. Future studies could target the efficacy of novel treatment modalities (i.e., autologous fat grafting or stem cell-based therapies) for keloid management.
Scar Revision 31194458 NIH
Scars are a natural and normal part of healing following an injury to the integumentary system. Ideally, scars should be flat, narrow, and color-matched. Several factors can contribute to poor wound healing. These include but are not limited to infection, poor blood flow, ischemia, and trauma. Proliferative, hyperpigmented, or contracted scars can cause serious problems with both function and emotional well-being.
ケロイド瘢痕は、アフリカ系、アジア系、またはヒスパニック系の人に多く見られます。 10歳から30歳までの人々は、高齢者よりもケロイドを発症する傾向が高くなります。
通常、損傷部位に発生しますが、 ケロイド (keloid) 自然発生的に生じることもあります。ピアスの場所だけでなく、ニキビや引っかき傷などの単純なものからも発生することがあります。これらは、重度の座瘡や水痘の瘢痕、創傷部位の感染、その領域への繰り返しの外傷、創傷閉鎖中の過度の皮膚の緊張、または創傷内の異物の結果として発生する可能性があります。
○ 治療
#Triamcinolone intralesional injection
#Dye laser (e.g. V-beam)