Photodermatitis, sometimes referred to as sun poisoning or photoallergy, is a form of allergic contact dermatitis in which the allergen must be activated by light to sensitize the allergic response, and to cause a rash or other systemic effects on subsequent exposure. It is distinct from sunburn.
光過敏症には、日光への曝露によって引き起こされる、または悪化するさまざまな症状、疾患、状態 (光皮膚症) が含まれます。これは 5 つのカテゴリに分かれています: primary photodermatosis, exogenous photodermatosis, photo-exacerbated dermatoses, metabolic photodermatosis, and genetic photodermatosis Photosensitivity refers to various symptoms, diseases, and conditions (photodermatoses) caused or exacerbated by exposure to sunlight. It is classified into five categories: primary photodermatosis, exogenous photodermatosis, photo-exacerbated dermatoses, metabolic photodermatosis, and genetic photodermatosis.
感光性皮膚炎 (photosensitive dermatitis) は、腫れ、呼吸困難、灼熱感、小さな水疱に似た赤いかゆみのある発疹、皮膚の剥離を引き起こす場合があります。また、かゆみが長期間持続する斑点が発生する場合もあります。