Xanthelasma palpebrarum は、まぶたの内側の角に、コレステロールが豊富な柔らかい沈着物が黄色がかった隆起や斑点を形成する症状です。これは良性であり、重大な健康リスクを引き起こすことはありません。 xanthelasma の成人の約半数は異常な脂質レベルを持っています。若い人、特に子供の場合、 xanthelasma が見られると、遺伝性脂質異常症が示唆される可能性があります。 xanthelasma の治療は通常、医学的な理由では必要なく、美容上の理由で行われます。 Xanthelasma palpebrarum is primarily characterized by soft, lipid-rich deposits, especially cholesterol, manifesting as semisolid, yellowish papules or plaques. These deposits are typically found on the inner aspect of the eyes and are most commonly located along the corners of the upper and lower eyelids. Xanthelasma palpebrarum is a benign lesion and does not pose significant health risks. Approximately 50% of adult patients with xanthelasma have abnormal lipid levels. In younger individuals, particularly children, the presence of xanthelasma should prompt consideration of an underlying inherited dyslipidemia. Although xanthelasma treatment is typically not medically necessary, some patients may seek therapy for cosmetic reasons.
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