ABNOM minangka kondisi kulit sing ditondoi dening pirang-pirang makula coklat-abu-abu nganti coklat-biru, utamane ing wilayah malar ing pasuryan. Bisa uga kedadeyan bebarengan karo penyakit kulit pigmen liyane kayata melasma, bintik-bintik, pirang-pirang lentigin lan Ota's nevus. Mung owah-owahan minimal sing diamati ing bintik-bintik peteng iki, dene melasma dadi luwih peteng lan luwih entheng amarga produksi pigmen sing terus-terusan lan nyuda.

Agen pemutih arang mbantu. Ora kaya melasma, ABNOM bisa didandani kanthi perawatan laser lan ditinggalake tanpa kambuh. Perawatan laser bisa ditindakake kaping 10 nganti 20 kanggo nambani ABNOM.
#QS1064 laser
☆ Ing asil Stiftung Warentest 2022 saka Jerman, kepuasan konsumen karo ModelDerm mung luwih murah tinimbang konsultasi telemedicine sing dibayar.
      References High-fluence 1064nm Q-switched Nd:YAG laser treatment for ectopic Mongolian spot 37781886
      Laser Q-switched Nd:YAG dikenal kanthi efektif nambani nevus Ota lan kondisi sing padha. Kita nganakake panaliten kanggo ndeleng carane laser high-fluence 1064 nm Q-switched Nd:YAG bisa digunakake ing bintik Mongolia ing wilayah sing ora biasa, tanpa nyebabake kulit dadi entheng. Kita sinau 61 pasien kanthi bintik-bintik kasebut, mriksa total 70 lesi. Setengah saka lesi diobati nganggo laser, dene liyane ora diobati kanggo mbandhingake. Kita ngevaluasi asil nggunakake skala lan piranti sing diarani Mexameter® kanggo ngukur tingkat melanin. Pasien diterusake rata-rata 14 wulan ing klompok perawatan lan 18 wulan ing klompok observasi. Ing pungkasan sinau, kita nemokake beda sing signifikan ing skor skala lan tingkat melanin antarane kelompok sing diobati lan sing ora diobati, kanthi klompok sing diobati laser nuduhake asil sing luwih apik. Laser high-fluence Q-switched Nd:YAG , tanpa nyebabake pencerahan kulit, kabukten efektif lan aman kanggo nambani bintik Mongolia sing ora biasa iki.
      The Q-switched Nd:YAG laser is known to effectively treat nevus of Ota and similar conditions. We conducted a study to see how well a high-fluence 1064 nm Q-switched Nd:YAG laser worked on Mongolian spots in unusual areas, without causing the skin to lighten. We studied 61 patients with these spots, examining a total of 70 lesions. Half of lesions were treated with the laser, while others were left untreated for comparison. We evaluated the results using a scale and a device called a Mexameter® to measure melanin levels. Patients were followed up for an average of 14 months in the treatment group and 18 months in the observation group. At the end of the study, we found significant differences in the scale scores and melanin levels between the treated and untreated groups, with the laser-treated group showing better outcomes. The high-fluence Q-switched Nd:YAG laser, without causing skin lightening, proved effective and safe for treating these unusual Mongolian spots.
       A retrospective study of 1064-nm Q-switched Nd:YAG laser therapy for acquired bilateral nevus of Ota-like macules 36973977 
      Kita sinau efektifitas lan safety nggunakake perawatan laser tartamtu kanggo ABNOM , lan katon ing faktor apa bisa mengaruhi cara kerjane. Kita nyawang 110 pasien sing duwe ABNOM lan entuk antarane loro lan sangang perawatan laser. Kita nemokake manawa perawatan kasebut luwih apik yen ditindakake, nanging ora kaya pasien sing luwih tuwa. Uga bisa luwih apik ing pasien kanthi kulit sing luwih entheng (jinis III) lan wilayah sing luwih cilik (kurang saka 10 cm2) . Duwe melasma bebarengan karo ABNOM nggawe perawatan kurang efektif. Werna utawa jumlah wilayah sing kena pengaruh katon ora ana bedane. Udakara 10% pasien entuk bintik-bintik sing luwih peteng sawise perawatan. Perawatan kaping pirang-pirang awal menehi asil sing apik. Pasien sing luwih tuwa kanthi kulit sing luwih peteng lan bintik-bintik peteng luwih cenderung ngalami bintik-bintik sing luwih peteng sawise perawatan. Kanggo pasien sing nandhang ABNOM lan melasma, luwih becik nggunakake laser kanthi energi sing luwih murah supaya ora nyebabake melasma luwih elek.
      To evaluate the efficacy and safety of 1064-nm Q-switched Nd:YAG laser (QSNYL) therapy for ABNOM and to identify the factors influencing the outcome. A total of 110 patients with ABNOM were retrospectively evaluated and received two-to-nine treatment sessions. The curative effect was positively correlated with the treatment time and negatively correlated with the increasing age at first treatment (p < 0.05). The curative effect was better in patients with skin type III than those with type IV ( p < 0.05) and in patients with a lesion area of less than 10 cm2 than those with a larger affected area (p < 0.05). Additionally, the treatment effect was poorer in patients with concomitant melasma (p < 0.05). The treatment effect was not significantly correlated with the lesion color or number of affected sites (p > 0.05). Eleven patients (10%) developed postinflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH). Early and repeated QSNYL therapy achieved satisfactory results for ABNOM. The risk of PIH after laser treatment is highest among patients with older age, darker lesion color, and darker skin color. For patients with ABNOM with concurrent melasma, low-energy laser therapy is recommended to reduce the risk of melasma aggravation.