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Fitur rai klasik saka Amyloidosis

Ing tampilan magnified, papula hard karo wangun padha diamati. Padha relatif seragam lan hard, ora kaya kelainan alergi kayata dermatitis atopik.

Fitur kulit amyloidosis cutis dyschromica ― (A) Makula hiperpigmentasi lan hipopigmentasi ing sikil ngisor

Lichen amyloidosis asring misdiagnosis minangka dermatitis atopik. Kasus sing khas nuduhake papula cilik sing keras lan gatal.

Lesi Amyloidosis bisa uga meh padha karo dermatitis atopik.
relevance score : -100.0%
Lichen amyloidosis - Case reports 24130236 NIH
Wong wadon umur 26 taun teka ing klinik kita kanthi keluhan gatal-gatal ing sikile sing wis 10 taun. Sanajan nggunakake krim steroid lan krim tazarotene, ruam ora dadi luwih apik. Dheweke ora duwe riwayat kulawarga sing relevan. Nalika kita mriksa dheweke, kita nemokake bintik-bintik kasar ing ngarep sikile, sing cocog karo penyakit sing diarani lichen amyloidosis.
A 26-year-old woman presented to our clinic with an itchy rash on her legs that had persisted for 10 years. The rash had previously been treated with topical steroids and tazarotene cream, with no improvement. The patient’s family history was noncontributory. A physical examination showed discrete and coalescing hyperkeratotic tan-brown papules on the pretibial surfaces, consistent with lichen amyloidosis.
Lichen Amyloidosis: Towards Pathogenesis-Driven Targeted Treatment 36763750 NIH
Lichen Amyloidosis minangka kondhisi kulit langka sing ana gandhengane karo gatal-gatal sing ora dingerteni sababe. Biasane katon minangka klompok bintik-bintik sing diunggahake, discolored ing permukaan njaba kulit. Lichen Amyloidosis biasane katon ing wong umur 50 kanggo 60 lan sayangé, ora ana tamba kanggo iku. Pangobatan sing kasedhiya saiki biasane ora bisa digunakake.
Lichen Amyloidosis (LA) is an uncommon, primary cutaneous amyloidosis associated with chronic, idiopathic pruritus. Clinical presentation of LA includes skin colored to hyperpigmented, papules coalescing into plaques with a rippled appearance on the extensors.1 LA most commonly presents in the fifth to sixth decade of life and has no curative treatments. Overall response to current therapies is poor.
Clinical Characteristics of Lichen Amyloidosis Associated with Atopic Dermatitis: A Single Center, Retrospective Study 38086357 NIH
Lichen amyloidosis yaiku kondisi kulit gatel sing tahan suwe. Dikenal amarga klompok benjolan sing kenthel utamane ditemokake ing punggung, balung, pupu, lan lengen. Nalika diteliti ing mikroskop, Lichen amyloidosis nuduhake akumulasi amiloid ing lapisan ndhuwur kulit bebarengan karo penebalan lan pembesaran lapisan kulit njaba. Sanadyan panyebab sing tepat saka Lichen amyloidosis durung dimangerteni kanthi lengkap, panliten sadurunge wis nggandhengake faktor kaya gesekan utawa gesekan ing kulit, pati sel, infeksi virus, lan liya-liyane. Lichen amyloidosis katon ana hubungane karo sawetara kondisi kulit liyane (atopic dermatitis, lichen planus, mycosis fungoides) .
Lichen amyloidosis (LA) is a chronic pruritic skin disorder characterized by multiple grouped hyperkeratotic papules, predominantly located on the back, shins, thighs, and arms. Histological analysis of LA shows amyloid deposition in the papillary dermis and hyperkeratosis and acanthosis of the epidermis. The exact pathogenesis of LA has not yet been elucidated; however, prior reports have implicated frictional epidermal damage, apoptosis, viral infection, and many other triggers. LA is reportedly associated with several skin disorders, including atopic dermatitis (AD), lichen planus, and mycosis fungoides.
○ Diagnosis lan Perawatan
#Electrophoresis of blood or urine
#Skin biopsy