Herpes simplex - Herpes Simplekshttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herpes_simplex
☆ Ing asil Stiftung Warentest 2022 saka Jerman, kepuasan konsumen karo ModelDerm mung luwih murah tinimbang konsultasi telemedicine sing dibayar. Herpes gingiva ― Infeksi herpes bisa kedadeyan ora mung ing sekitar tutuk, nanging uga ing wilayah intraoral, perinasal, lan periokular.
Herpes genitalis ing wanita.
Herpes ing bokong ditondoi kanthi kambuh nalika kesel.
Ing kasus infèksi sing nyebar, perawatan intensif bisa uga dibutuhake, kaya herpes zoster.
relevance score : -100.0%
References Herpes Simplex Type 1 29489260 NIH
Infeksi HSV-1 berkembang liwat infèksi utama sel epitelium, banjur latensi, utamané ing neuron, lan reaktivasi. HSV-1 umume nyebabake erupsi vesikular awal lan ambalan, utamane ing tutuk lan mukosa genital. Manifestasi kasebut kalebu saka herpes orolabial nganti macem-macem kahanan kayata folliculitis herpetic, infeksi kulit, keterlibatan okular, lan kasus sing abot kaya herpes encephalitis. Terapi antivirus mbantu ngatasi infeksi HSV.
Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) is a member of the Alphaherpesviridae subfamily. Its structure is composed of linear dsDNA, an icosahedral capsid that is 100 to 110 nm in diameter, with a spikey envelope. In general, the pathogenesis of HSV-1 infection follows a cycle of primary infection of epithelial cells, latency primarily in neurons, and reactivation. HSV-1 is responsible for establishing primary and recurrent vesicular eruptions, primarily in the orolabial and genital mucosa. HSV-1 infection has a wide variety of presentations, including orolabial herpes, herpetic sycosis (HSV folliculitis), herpes gladiatorum, herpetic whitlow, ocular HSV infection, herpes encephalitis, Kaposi varicelliform eruption (eczema herpeticum), and severe or chronic HSV infection. Antiviral therapy limits the course of HSV infection.
Herpes Simplex Type 2 32119314 NIH
Herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) minangka infèksi sing nyebar, mengaruhi udakara 22% wong diwasa sing umur 12 taun lan luwih, gunggunge 45 yuta wong diwasa ing Amerika Serikat. Nalika HSV-1 biasane nyebabake lara lisan, bisa uga nyebabake lesi genital. Nanging, nalika pasien ngalami lesi genital, HSV-2 biasane dadi perhatian utama. Gejala wabah HSV-2 asring samar, kayata gatal lan iritasi alat kelamin, sing bisa nundha diagnosis lan perawatan. Wektu tundha iki bisa nyebabake transmisi luwih lanjut menyang wong sing ora kena infeksi.
Herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) continues to be a common infection, affecting approximately 22% of adults ages 12 and older, representing 45 million adults in the United States alone. While HSV-1 often affects the perioral region and can be known to cause genital lesions, HSV-2 is more commonly the consideration when patients present with genital lesions. Despite this, most outbreaks of the infection will present with nonspecific symptoms such as genital itching, irritation, and excoriations, which may cause diagnosis and treatment to be delayed. As a result, further exposure to uninfected individuals may occur.
Prevention and Treatment of Neonatal Herpes Simplex Virus Infection 32044154 NIH
Herpes simplex virus (HSV) umume nyebabake infeksi kaya herpes genital lan lara kadhemen ing remaja lan wong diwasa. Nalika HSV nginfèksi bayi ing 4-6 minggu pisanan urip, bisa nyebabake penyakit sing abot kanthi akibat sing serius. Diagnosa kanthi cepet infeksi HSV neonatal penting banget kanggo nyegah penyakit kasebut dadi luwih elek, nyegah masalah neurologis (malah mati) .
Herpes simplex virus (HSV), a member of the Herpesviridae family, is a well-known cause of infections including genital herpes and herpes labialis in the adolescent and adult population. Transmission of HSV infection to an infant during the first 4-6 weeks of life can lead to devastating disease with the potential for poor outcomes. Early diagnosis is imperative when evaluating neonatal HSV infection in order to prevent further disease progression, neurological complications, and even death.
Herpes simplex virus infection in pregnancy 22566740 NIH
Herpes simplex infeksi umum banget lan bisa ditularake saka wanita ngandhut menyang bayi. Virus iki bisa nyebabake masalah kesehatan sing serius utawa malah pati ing bayi anyar. Sanajan arang banget nalika meteng, asring kedadeyan nalika nglairake. Resiko paling dhuwur yen ibune kena infeksi ing tahap pungkasan meteng. Nanging, risiko iki bisa dikurangi kanthi nggunakake obat antivirus utawa milih bagean C ing kahanan tartamtu.
Infection with herpes simplex is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections. Because the infection is common in women of reproductive age it can be contracted and transmitted to the fetus during pregnancy and the newborn. Herpes simplex virus is an important cause of neonatal infection, which can lead to death or long-term disabilities. Rarely in the uterus, it occurs frequently during the transmission delivery. The greatest risk of transmission to the fetus and the newborn occurs in case of an initial maternal infection contracted in the second half of pregnancy. The risk of transmission of maternal-fetal-neonatal herpes simplex can be decreased by performing a treatment with antiviral drugs or resorting to a caesarean section in some specific cases.
Clinical management of herpes simplex virus infections: past, present, and future 30443341 NIH
Herpes simplex virus (HSV) jinis 1 lan 2 nginfeksi akeh wong ing saindenging jagad. Biasane, virus tetep sepi ing sel saraf sawise nginfeksi kulit, nanging bisa diaktifake maneh mengko, nyebabake lara kadhemen. Kadhangkala, bisa nyebabake masalah sing abot kaya infeksi mata, inflamasi otak, utawa kahanan sing mbebayani ing bayi lan wong sing sistem kekebalan lemah. Nalika obat-obatan saiki mbantu ngontrol infeksi, risiko resistensi obat lan efek samping tetep dadi kuwatir. Kita butuh obat anyar kanggo target virus sing luwih apik.
Infection with herpes simplex virus (HSV) types 1 and 2 is ubiquitous in the human population. Most commonly, virus replication is limited to the epithelia and establishes latency in enervating sensory neurons, reactivating periodically to produce localized recurrent lesions. However, these viruses can also cause severe disease such as recurrent keratitis leading potentially to blindness, as well as encephalitis, and systemic disease in neonates and immunocompromised patients. Although antiviral therapy has allowed continual and substantial improvement in the management of both primary and recurrent infections, resistance to currently available drugs and long-term toxicity pose a current and future threat that should be addressed through the development of new antiviral compounds directed against new targets.
Ana rong jinis virus herpes simpleks (herpes simplex) , jinis 1 (HSV-1) lan jinis 2 (HSV-2). HSV-1 luwih umum nyebabake infèksi ing sakubengé tutuk nalika HSV-2 luwih umum nyebabake infeksi genital. Dheweke ditularake kanthi kontak langsung karo wong sing kena infeksi. Herpes genital diklasifikasikaké minangka infèksi seksual. Bisa nyebar menyang bayi nalika nglairake. Sawise infèksi, virus kasebut diangkut ing sadawane saraf sensori menyang badan sel saraf, ing ngendi virus kasebut manggon seumur hidup. Penyebab kambuh bisa uga kalebu: nyuda fungsi kekebalan, stres, lan cahya srengenge.
Umume kasus, obat antivirus mung dijupuk nalika gejala abot. Pangobatan antivirus saben dina bisa diwènèhaké marang wong sing kena infeksi sing kerep banget. Ora ana vaksin sing kasedhiya lan vaksin shingles ora nyegah herpes simplex. Pangobatan kanthi obat antivirus kayata asiklovir utawa valaciclovir bisa nyuda keruwetan gejala kasebut.
Tingkat HSV-1 utawa HSV-2 ing saindenging jagad antara 60% nganti 95% ing wong diwasa. HSV-1 biasane kena infeksi nalika isih cilik. Kira-kira 536 yuta wong ing saindenging jagad (16% saka populasi) kena infeksi HSV-2 ing taun 2003 kanthi tingkat sing luwih dhuwur ing antarane wanita lan ing negara berkembang. Umume wong sing duwe HSV-2 ora ngerti yen dheweke kena infeksi.
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Aja kontak fisik, kayata ngambung bocah, nalika lepuh ana, amarga kontak bisa nyebarake infeksi menyang wong liya. Sampeyan kudu ngaso tanpa ngombe alkohol.
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