Herpes zosterhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shingles
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References Herpes Zoster and Postherpetic Neuralgia: Prevention and Management 29431387Shingles, sing disebabake dening reaktivasi virus varicella zoster sing tanggung jawab kanggo cacar pitik, nyebabake watara 1 yuta wong saben taun ing Amerika Serikat, kanthi risiko umur 30%. Wong-wong sing duwe sistem kekebalan sing kurang luwih rentan kanggo ngembangake herpes zoster, kanthi gejala biasane diwiwiti kanthi malaise, sirah, lan demam entheng, disusul sensasi kulit sing ora biasa sawetara dina sadurunge muncul ruam. Ruam iki, biasane katon ing area awak tartamtu, berkembang saka lepuh sing cetha nganti lara crusted sajrone seminggu nganti sepuluh dina. Pangobatan kanthi cepet kanthi obat antivirus (acyclovir, valacyclovir, or famciclovir) sajrone 72 jam wiwit ruam iku penting banget. Neuralgia postherpetic, komplikasi umum sing ditondoi kanthi nyeri sing dawa ing wilayah sing kena pengaruh, nyebabake kira-kira siji saka limang pasien lan mbutuhake perawatan terus-terusan kanthi obat-obatan kayata gabapentin, pregabalin, utawa antidepresan tartamtu, bebarengan karo agen topikal kaya lidocaine utawa capsaicin. Vaksinasi nglawan virus varicella zoster dianjurake kanggo wong diwasa umur 50 lan ndhuwur kanggo nyuda resiko herpes.
Shingles, caused by the reactivation of the varicella zoster virus responsible for chickenpox, affects around 1 million people annually in the United States, with a lifetime risk of 30%. Those with weakened immune systems are significantly more prone to developing shingles, with symptoms typically starting with malaise, headache, and a mild fever, followed by unusual skin sensations a few days before the appearance of a rash. This rash, usually appearing in a specific area of the body, progresses from clear blisters to crusted sores over a week to ten days. Prompt treatment with antiviral medications (acyclovir, valacyclovir, or famciclovir) within 72 hours of rash onset is crucial. Postherpetic neuralgia, a common complication characterized by prolonged pain in the affected area, affects about one in five patients and requires ongoing management with medications such as gabapentin, pregabalin, or certain antidepressants, along with topical agents like lidocaine or capsaicin. Vaccination against the varicella zoster virus is recommended for adults aged 50 and above to reduce the risk of shingles.
Epidemiology, treatment and prevention of herpes zoster: A comprehensive review 29516900Herpes zoster cenderung kedadeyan luwih kerep ing wong sing umure 50 lan luwih, sing duwe sistem kekebalan sing kurang, lan sing njupuk obat imunosupresan. Iki dipicu dening reaktivasi virus varicella-zoster, virus sing padha sing nyebabake cacar. Gejala kaya mriyang, nyeri, lan gatel biasane ndhisiki munculé ruam sing khas. Komplikasi sing paling umum yaiku neuralgia post-herpetic, yaiku nyeri saraf sing terus-terusan sawise ruam wis ilang. Faktor risiko lan komplikasi sing ana gandhengane karo herpes zoster beda-beda gumantung saka umur, kesehatan kekebalan, lan wektu wiwitan perawatan. Vaksinasi kanggo individu sing umur 60 lan ndhuwur wis ditampilake nyuda kedadeyan herpes zoster lan neuralgia post-herpetic. Miwiti obat antivirus lan pereda nyeri sajrone 72 jam wiwit ruam bisa nyuda keruwetan lan komplikasi herpes zoster lan neuralgia pasca-herpetik.
Herpes zoster tends to occur more frequently in people aged 50 and older, those with weakened immune systems, and those taking immunosuppressant medications. It's triggered by the reactivation of the varicella-zoster virus, the same virus that causes chickenpox. Symptoms like fever, pain, and itching commonly precede the appearance of the characteristic rash. The most common complication is post-herpetic neuralgia, which is persistent nerve pain after the rash clears up. The risk factors and complications associated with herpes zoster vary depending on age, immune health, and timing of treatment initiation. Vaccination for individuals aged 60 and above has been shown to significantly reduce the occurrence of herpes zoster and post-herpetic neuralgia. Starting antiviral medications and pain relievers within 72 hours of rash onset can lessen the severity and complications of herpes zoster and post-herpetic neuralgia.
Prevention of Herpes Zoster: A Focus on the Effectiveness and Safety of Herpes Zoster Vaccines 36560671 NIH
Uji coba klinis sadurunge disetujoni nuduhake yen vaksin zoster urip udakara 50 nganti 70%, dene vaksin rekombinan luwih apik, mulai saka 90 nganti 97%. Ing panaliten ing jagad nyata, dheweke ndhukung temuan uji coba kasebut, nuduhake manawa vaksin urip udakara 46% efektif, dene sing rekombinan udakara 85%.
The pre-licensure clinical trials show the efficacy of the live zoster vaccine to be between 50 and 70% and for the recombinant vaccine to be higher at 90 to 97%. Real-world effectiveness studies, with a follow-up of approximately 10 years, were reviewed in this article. These data corroborated the efficacy studies, with vaccine effectiveness being 46% and 85% for the live and recombinant vaccines, respectively.
Cacar air, uga disebut varicella, minangka asil saka infèksi awal karo virus, biasane kedadeyan nalika bocah cilik utawa remaja. Sawise cacar pitik wis mari, virus bisa tetep ora aktif (dormant) ing sel saraf manungsa nganti pirang-pirang taun utawa dekade, lan sawise iku bisa aktif maneh. Herpes zoster asil nalika virus varicella dormant diaktifake maneh. Banjur virus kasebut ngliwati badan saraf menyang ujung saraf ing kulit, ngasilake lepuh. Sajrone wabah herpes zoster , paparan virus varicella sing ditemokake ing herpes zoster lepuh bisa nyebabake cacar air ing wong sing durung nandhang cacar.
Faktor risiko kanggo reaktivasi virus dormant kalebu umur tuwa, fungsi kekebalan sing kurang, lan kena cacar air sadurunge umur 18 wulan. Virus varicella zoster ora padha karo virus herpes simplex, sanajan loro-lorone kalebu kulawarga herpesvirus sing padha.
Vaksin herpes zoster nyuda resiko herpes zoster 50% nganti 90%. Uga nyuda tingkat neuralgia postherpetic, lan, yen herpes zoster kedadeyan, keruwetan kasebut. Yen herpes zoster berkembang, obat antivirus kayata asiklovir bisa nyuda keruwetan lan durasi penyakit yen diwiwiti sajrone 72 jam sawise munculé ruam.
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Yen lesi nyebar kanthi cepet, goleki dhokter kanthi cepet kanggo perawatan antivirus.
Obat antivirus lan obat neuralgia dibutuhake. Sampeyan kudu ngaso lan mandheg ngombe alkohol.