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Pengobatan Mucocele
relevance score : -100.0%
Overview of common oral lesions 36606178 NIH
The pathologies covered include recurrent aphthous stomatitis, herpes simplex virus, oral squamous cell carcinoma, geographic tongue, oral candidosis, oral lichen planus, pre-malignant disorders, pyogenic granuloma, mucocele and squamous cell papilloma, oral melanoma, hairy tongue and amalgam tattoo.
Oral Mucosal Lesions in Childhood 36354659 NIH
Mucoceles dibentuk nalika kelenjar saliva cilik ciloko, nyebabake saliva nglumpukake saluran sing diblokir. Wutah iki biasane ora krasa lara, lancar, lan bisa katon biru utawa transparan, biasane ora ngluwihi 1 cm. Perawatan kalebu mbusak bedhah, lan kadhangkala ahli bedah uga mbusak kelenjar sing cedhak kanggo nyegah kambuh.
Mucocele develops as a consequence of mechanical trauma to a minor salivary gland, which is followed by saliva retention and accumulation inside the blocked and dilated excretory ducts of the gland. Lesions are usually painless, with smooth surfaces, bluish or transparent. Most are not larger than 1 cm in diameter. They are treated by surgical removal; at that time, the surgeon often decides to perform the ablation of the neighboring minor salivary glands in order to prevent relapses.
Lokasi sing paling umum kanggo nemokake mucocele yaiku permukaan njero lambe ngisor. Sawetara mucoceles sacara spontan mutusake dhewe sawise wektu sing cendhak. Liyane sing kronis lan mbutuhake bedhah.