Onychomysosis - Jamur Kukuhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Onychomycosis
Jamur Kuku (Onychomysosis) yaiku infeksi jamur ing kuku. Gejala kasebut bisa uga kalebu warna kuku putih utawa kuning, kuku dadi tebal, lan misahake kuku saka amben kuku. Kuku utawa kuku bisa kena pengaruh, nanging luwih umum kanggo kuku. Komplikasi bisa uga kalebu selulitis saka sikil ngisor. Sawetara jinis jamur bisa nyebabake jamur kuku (onychomysosis) , kalebu dermatofit. Faktor risiko kalebu sikil atlit, penyakit kuku liyane, paparan marang wong sing nandhang penyakit kasebut, penyakit pembuluh darah perifer, lan fungsi kekebalan sing kurang.

Pangobatan antijamur terbinafine sing dijupuk kanthi lisan katon paling efektif nanging terbinafine digandhengake karo efek samping ati.

jamur kuku (onychomysosis) dumadi ing udakara 10 persen populasi diwasa, kanthi wong tuwa luwih kerep kena pengaruh. Wong lanang kena luwih kerep tinimbang wadon. jamur kuku (onychomysosis) nggambarake kira-kira setengah saka penyakit kuku. Iki tegese deformity saka toenails uga bisa teka saka sabab liyane saka onikomikosis.

Pengobatan - Obat OTC
Iku angel kanggo nambani onychomycosis karo obat-obatan topikal amarga iku angel kanggo obat-obatan kanggo nembus ing toenails thickened.
#Butenafine [Lotrimin]

Pangobatan jangka panjang biasane dibutuhake nganti kuku jempol sing kena infeksi rampung dibusak.
#Terbinafine (oral)
#Efinaconazole lacquer [Jublia]
#Ciclopirox lacquer
☆ Ing asil Stiftung Warentest 2022 saka Jerman, kepuasan konsumen karo ModelDerm mung luwih murah tinimbang konsultasi telemedicine sing dibayar.
  • Kuku sing kena pengaruh Jamur Kuku (Onychomysosis)
  • Kaki wong sing kena infeksi kuku jamur sepuluh minggu dadi obat oral terbinafine. Wigati pita pertumbuhan kuku sing sehat ing mburi kuku sing kena infeksi.
  • Kasus infeksi jamur ing jempol sikil.
References Onychomycosis: Current trends in diagnosis and treatment 24364524
Antifungal sistemik minangka perawatan sing paling efektif. Meta-analisis nuduhake tingkat tamba mycotic kaya ing ngisor iki: terbinafine = 76%, itraconazole with pulse dosing = 63%, itraconazole with continuous dosing = 59%, fluconazole =48% . Debridement kuku bebarengan nambah tarif tamba. Terapi topikal kanthi ciclopirox kurang efektif; nduweni tingkat kegagalan ngluwihi 60%.
Systemic antifungals are the most effective treatment. Meta-analyses shows mycotic cure rates as follows: terbinafine = 76%, itraconazole with pulse dosing = 63%, itraconazole with continuous dosing = 59%, fluconazole =48%. Concomitant nail debridement further increases cure rates. Topical therapy with ciclopirox is less effective; it has a failure rate exceeding 60%.
 Onychomycosis 28722883 
Onychomycosis minangka infeksi jamur sing mengaruhi kuku. Nalika disebabake dening dermatofit, diarani tinea unguium. Onikomikosis kalebu infeksi sing disebabake dening dermatofit, ragi, lan jamur. Masalah kuku sing ora disebabake infeksi jamur diarani nail dystrophy. Sanajan bisa mengaruhi kuku lan kuku, onikomikosis kuku luwih umum. Artikel iki mbahas macem-macem aspek onikomikosis kuku kuku, kayata pengaruhe, jinis klinis, tahapan, diagnosis, lan perawatan. Sanajan ora ngancam nyawa, onikomikosis bisa nyebabake komplikasi serius kaya selulitis, sepsis, infeksi balung, karusakan jaringan, lan kuku ilang.
Onychomycosis is a fungal infection of the nail unit. When dermatophytes cause onychomycosis, this condition is called tinea unguium. The term onychomycosis encompasses the dermatophytes, yeasts, and saprophytic mold infections. An abnormal nail not caused by a fungal infection is a dystrophic nail. Onychomycosis can infect both fingernails and toenails, but onychomycosis of the toenail is much more prevalent. Discussed in detail in this activity are all evolving facets of the topic, including disease burden, clinical types, staging, diagnosis, and management of toenail onychomycosis. While non-life-threatening, onychomycosis can lead to severe complications such as cellulitis, sepsis, osteomyelitis, tissue damage, and nail loss.
 Terbinafine 31424802 
Terbinafine minangka obat sing nglawan infeksi jamur kanthi ngalangi squalene epoxidase. Efektif nglawan pirang-pirang jinis jamur kulit lan disetujoni kanggo ngobati jamur kuku nalika dijupuk kanthi lisan. Nalika paling efek sisih kaya ngelu lan weteng masalah suntingan lan ilang dhewe, owah-owahan ing rasa (dysgeusia) bisa beda-beda saka entheng kanggo abot, kadhangkala anjog kanggo bobot mundhut. Owah-owahan rasa permanen arang banget nanging wis dilaporake.
Terbinafine is an antifungal medication that works through the inhibition of squalene epoxidase. It has activity against most dermatophytes, and it has approval for use as an oral therapy for the treatment of onychomycosis. Although most side effects are mild and self-limited, such as headache and gastrointestinal symptoms, taste disturbances (dysgeusia) can range from mild to severe, resulting in weight loss, and have rarely been reported permanent.
 Onychomycosis: An Updated Review 31738146 
Onychomycosis minangka infeksi jamur sing mengaruhi kuku. Kira-kira 90% infeksi kuku jempol lan 75% infeksi kuku disebabake jamur (Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Trichophyton rubrum) . Gejala kalebu owah-owahan warna kuku, thickening, misahake saka amben kuku, lan overgrowth. Perawatan biasane kalebu obat oral kaya terbinafine utawa itraconazole, kanthi perawatan topikal minangka pilihan kanggo kasus sing entheng nganti moderat.
Onychomycosis is a fungal infection of the nail unit. Approximately 90% of toenail and 75% of fingernail onychomycosis are caused by dermatophytes, notably Trichophyton mentagrophytes and Trichophyton rubrum. Clinical manifestations include discoloration of the nail, subungual hyperkeratosis, onycholysis, and onychauxis. Currently, oral terbinafine is the treatment of choice, followed by oral itraconazole. In general, topical monotherapy can be considered for mild to moderate onychomycosis.