Prurigo nodularis
☆ Ing asil Stiftung Warentest 2022 saka Jerman, kepuasan konsumen karo ModelDerm mung luwih murah tinimbang konsultasi telemedicine sing dibayar. relevance score : -100.0%
References Prurigo Nodularis 29083653 NIH
Prurigo nodularis minangka kondisi kulit sing tahan suwe sing ditondoi kanthi akeh benjolan lan nodul sing kuat, biasane ditemokake ing bagian njaba lengen lan sikil. Benjolan iki bisa beda-beda warna saka daging nganti jambon lan gatal banget. Bisa mengaruhi wong ing umur apa wae lan asring ana hubungane karo kondisi kulit liyane sing nyebabake gatal kronis, kayata dermatitis atopik. Pilihan perawatan kalebu obat anti-gatel sing kuat, obat-obatan sing mengaruhi sistem kekebalan, lan obat-obatan sing ngarahake sistem saraf. Ngatur prurigo nodularis biasane mbutuhake terapi jangka panjang.
Prurigo nodularis is a chronic disorder of the skin that is classically seen as multiple, firm, flesh to pink colored papules, plaques and nodules commonly located on the extensor surfaces of the extremities. The lesions are very pruritic and can occur in any age group. It is commonly associated with another disease such as atopic dermatitis or any dermatoses associated with chronic pruritus. The therapeutic approach is wide-arrayed ranging from treatments that act as - potent antipruritics, immunomodulators, and neuromodulators. Treatment in an established case is prolonged and improving patient compliance with education and counseling is important.
Treatment-resistant prurigo nodularis: challenges and solutions 30881076 NIH
Perawatan biasane melu nggunakake krim utawa injeksi steroid ing wilayah sing magepokan. Ing kasus sing luwih abot utawa bandel, perawatan kaya terapi cahya utawa obat-obatan sing nyuda sistem kekebalan bisa uga dibutuhake. Thalidomide lan lenalidomide minangka pilihan kanggo kasus sing abot, nanging bisa duwe efek samping sing serius. Pangobatan sing luwih anyar (opioid receptor antagonists, neurokinin-1 receptor antagonists) nuduhake janji kanggo nambani prurigo nodularis kanthi efek samping sing luwih sithik dibandhingake thalidomide utawa lenalidomide.
Treatment typically relies on the use of topical or intralesional steroids, though more severe or recalcitrant cases often necessitate the use of phototherapy or systemic immunosuppressives. Thalidomide and lenalidomide can both be used in severe cases; however, their toxicity profile makes them less favorable. Opioid receptor antagonists and neurokinin-1 receptor antagonists represent two novel families of therapeutic agents which may effectively treat PN with a lower toxicity profile than thalidomide or lenalidomide.
Chronic Prurigo Including Prurigo Nodularis: New Insights and Treatments 37717255 NIH
Chronic prurigo minangka kondisi kulit sing ditondoi kanthi gatel sing tahan suwe (luwih saka 6 minggu) , lesi kulit sing gegandhengan karo goresan, lan riwayat sing kerep digaruk. Iki kalebu neuroinflammation lan fibrosis ing kulit.
Chronic prurigo (CPG) is a neuroinflammatory, fibrotic dermatosis that is defined by the presence of chronic pruritus (itch lasting longer than 6 weeks), scratch-associated pruriginous skin lesions and history of repeated scratching.
Prurigo Nodularis: Review and Emerging Treatments 34077168Prurigo nodularis minangka masalah kulit sing tahan suwe sing ditandhani karo nodul gatal. Kita ora ngerti persis apa sing nyebabake, nanging misale jek masalah kekebalan lan saraf duwe peran ing siklus gatal-gatal. Saiki, ora ana perawatan sing disetujoni dening FDA AS khusus kanggo prurigo nodularis.
Prurigo nodularis is a long-lasting skin problem marked by itchy nodules. We don't know exactly what causes it, but it seems that immune and nerve issues play a role in the itch-scratch cycle. Right now, there aren't any treatments approved by the US FDA specifically for prurigo nodularis.
○ Pengobatan - Obat OTC
Ngumbah area lesi nganggo sabun ora mbantu lan bisa dadi luwih elek. OTC steroid ointments bisa bantuan ngredhakaké gejala, nanging padha biasane kudu Applied kanggo sawetara minggu kanggo nambah. Terus njupuk antihistamin uga mbantu nyuda rasa gatal.
#OTC steroid ointment
#OTC antihistamine
○ Pengobatan
#Intralesional triamcinolone injection