Xanthoma minangka deposisi bahan kaya kolesterol kuning sing bisa katon ing endi wae ing awak ing macem-macem penyakit. Iki minangka manifestasi kulit lipidosis ing ngendi lipid nglumpukake ing sel busa gedhe ing kulit. Dheweke ana gandhengane karo hiperlipidemia.
A xanthoma is a deposition of yellowish cholesterol-rich material that can appear anywhere in the body in various disease states. They are associated with hyperlipidemias, both primary and secondary types.
☆ Ing asil Stiftung Warentest 2022 saka Jerman, kepuasan konsumen karo ModelDerm mung luwih murah tinimbang konsultasi telemedicine sing dibayar.
Xanthomas iku celengan lemak ing awak. Nalika biasane entheng, asring minangka tandha penyakit sistemik sing penting. Ora saben wong sing duwe kolesterol dhuwur utawa tingkat lipid kena xanthomas, nanging bisa dadi tandha utama kahanan metabolisme kasebut. Xanthomas are localized lipid deposits within an organ system. Although innately benign, they are often an important visible sign of systemic diseases. Not all patients with hyperlipidemia or hypercholesterolemia develop xanthomas. However, the presence of xanthomatous lesions can serve as a unique and important clinical indicator of these metabolic states.