Photodermatitis, sometimes referred to as sun poisoning or photoallergy, is a form of allergic contact dermatitis in which the allergen must be activated by light to sensitize the allergic response, and to cause a rash or other systemic effects on subsequent exposure. It is distinct from sunburn.
Photosensitivity រួមបញ្ចូលនូវរោគសញ្ញា ជំងឺ និងលក្ខខណ្ឌជាច្រើន (photodermatoses) ដែលបង្កឡើង ឬកាន់តែអាក្រក់ឡើងដោយការប៉ះពាល់នឹងពន្លឺព្រះអាទិត្យ។ វាត្រូវបានបែងចែកជាប្រាំប្រភេទ៖ primary photodermatosis, exogenous photodermatosis, photo-exacerbated dermatoses, metabolic photodermatosis, genetic photodermatosis Photosensitivity refers to various symptoms, diseases, and conditions (photodermatoses) caused or exacerbated by exposure to sunlight. It is classified into five categories: primary photodermatosis, exogenous photodermatosis, photo-exacerbated dermatoses, metabolic photodermatosis, and genetic photodermatosis.
Photosensitive dermatitis អាចបណ្តាលឱ្យហើម ពិបាកដកដង្ហើម អារម្មណ៍ឆេះ កន្ទួលក្រហម ជួនកាលស្រដៀងនឹងពងបែកតូចៗ និងរបកស្បែក។ វាក៏អាចមានស្នាមប្រេះដែលរមាស់អាចបន្តកើតមានក្នុងរយៈពេលយូរ។