Dermatofibroma - Dermatofibrome
Dermatofibrome (Dermatofibroma) papulae solitariae durae lento-crescentes (Bumpum rotundatae) plerumque brunneae usque ad tang; Etsi typica dermatofibromas causant molestiam vel nullam vel modicam, prurigo et teneritudo accidere potest. Dermatofibromas alicubi reperiri in corpore, sed saepissime in cruribus et brachiis reperiuntur.

Dermatofibromas formari potest sicut reactionem ad iniurias antecedentes sicut morsus insecti vel stimuli spinae. Dermatofibromas genera laesiones cutis benignae sunt, significationes sunt omnino innoxiae, quamvis Dermatofibromas confundi possit cum variis tumoribus subcutaneis. Alta penetrans dermatofibromas potest difficile distinguere, etiam histologice, ex raris tumoribus malignis fibrohistocyticis sicut "dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans".

Diagnosis et curatio
Benignissima sunt, sed magna laesiones (>5 mm) biopsy requirere possunt.
#Skin biopsy
☆ In anno 2022 Stiftung Warentest ex Germania provenit, satisfactio consumptoria cum ModelDerm paulo minus fuit quam cum consultationibus telemedicinis solutis.
  • Dermatofibrome (Dermatofibroma) Casus typicus de nodulo duro in membr. Dermatofibrome (Dermatofibroma) tumor benignus communis est relative.
References Dermatofibroma 29262213 
Dermatofibroma Communis cutis conditio plerumque in brachiis vel cruribus invenitur. Videtur massae solidae sub cute, saepe minus quam 1 centimeter in magnitudine. Dum plerumque sine dolore est, coniungi potest cum minoribus iniuriis praeteritis sicut morsus insecti vel spinae stimuli. Dermatofibromas aliquem afficere potest, sed communius in feminis 20 ad 40. De more benignae sunt, interdum autem post remotionem reverti possunt. Gravis est ad differentiam dermatofibromas a tumore ferociore cutis vocato dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans.
Dermatofibroma is a commonly occurring cutaneous entity usually centered within the skin's dermis. Dermatofibromas are referred to as benign fibrous histiocytomas of the skin, superficial/cutaneous benign fibrous histiocytomas, or common fibrous histiocytoma. These mesenchymal cell lesions of the dermis clinically are firm subcutaneous nodules that occur on the extremities in the vast majority of cases and may or may not be associated with overlying skin changes. They are most commonly asymptomatic and usually relatively small, less than or equal to 1 centimeter in diameter. Often, patients who present with a dermatofibroma relate a history of possibly inciting local trauma at the site, such as from an insect bite or superficial puncture wound from thorns or wood splinters. Dermatofibromas occur in people of all ages, although more commonly during the ages of the 20s to 40s, and develop more frequently in females than males, with as high as a 2:1 female to male predominance according to some reports. They are a benign tumor, although there have been cases of local recurrence, and even more rarely, distant metastases have been reported. When considering the differential diagnosis of these lesions, it is vitally important to distinguish dermatofibromas from dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans, a similar-appearing but more aggressive cutaneous neoplasm.
 Common Benign Skin Tumors 12613727
Curatio praeferenda pro lipomas, dermatofibromas, keratoacanthomas, pyogenic granulomas, epidermoid cysts chirurgica remotione est. Cherry angiomas, sebaceous hyperplasia communiter tractantur cum laser Lorem vel electrodesiccation. Cryotherapy et radi excisio sunt populares electiones pro acrochordons, seborrheic keratoses. Si medicus familiaris incertus sentit de diagnostione vel laesione tractando, vel si biopsy melanoma confirmat, deferre ad specialitas suadetur.
The preferred treatment for lipomas, dermatofibromas, keratoacanthomas, pyogenic granulomas, epidermoid cysts is surgical removal. Cherry angiomas, sebaceous hyperplasia are commonly treated with laser therapy or electrodesiccation. Cryotherapy and shave excision are popular choices for acrochordons, seborrheic keratoses. If a family physician feels uncertain about diagnosing or treating a lesion, or if a biopsy confirms melanoma, referral to a specialist is recommended.