Irritate fibroma

Irritate fibroma est nodulus fibrosus cavitatis oralis, saepe consideratus hyperplasia reactiva secundaria cum trauma vel aliis fontibus loci irritationis.

☆ In anno 2022 Stiftung Warentest ex Germania provenit, satisfactio consumptoria cum ModelDerm paulo minus fuit quam cum consultationibus telemedicinis solutis.
      References A case of irritation fibroma 30858793 
      Homo LIII annos natus ad Dermatologiam Clinic missus est, quod in extremo linguae suae 2 annis incrementum habuit. Curationem non invenit, quia laesionem signa subiectiva non habuit. Incrementum tardius crevit et non multum mutavit donec ad clinic. Communiter sanus erat, sed per XXX annos fere XX cigarettes die fumabat. Nullam trauma in cavitate oris sui historiam negavit. Vitium nodulum cum diametro approximato 0. 5 cm in apice linguae ostendit. Sensit firmum et vidi sicut textura linguae normale in colore.
      A 53-year-old man was referred to the Dermatology Clinic with a 2-year history of an exophytic lesion on the tip of his tongue. He did not accept any treatment since the lesion had no subjective symptoms. The lesion developed slowly and showed no notable change in size until this visit. The patient was systemically healthy, but he had a long history of smoking for almost 30 years and at least 20 cigarettes per day. In addition, he denied any history of trauma in his oral cavity. The lesion showed a well-defined nodule with approximate 0.5 cm diameter on the tip of the tongue. The nodule was firm and presented a color resembling normal mucosa.