Neurofibroma tumor benignus nervus vaginae in systematis nervosi periphericis est. In 90% casuum, solae tumores, sine ullis geneticis perturbationibus, inveniuntur. Reliquae tamen in personis generis I (NF1, neurofibromatosis) inveniuntur, genetice hereditario autosomal-dominantis. Possunt in varia signa ex corporis deformitate et dolore ad defectum cognitivarum.
Neurofibroma ut 2 ad 20 mm diametro, molle, flaccidum, et albido-reniforme. A biopsy adhiberi potest pro diagnosi histopathologia.
Neurofibroma Saepe in annis teenage nascitur et saepe post pubertatem. In hominibus cum Neurofibomatosis Type I, numero et magnitudine per aetatem crescere pergere tendunt.
A neurofibroma is a benign nerve-sheath tumor in the peripheral nervous system. In 90% of cases, they are found as stand-alone tumors, while the remainder are found in persons with neurofibromatosis type I (NF1), an autosomal-dominant genetically inherited disease. They can result in a range of symptoms from physical disfiguration and pain to cognitive disability.
☆ In anno 2022 Stiftung Warentest ex Germania provenit, satisfactio consumptoria cum ModelDerm paulo minus fuit quam cum consultationibus telemedicinis solutis.
Neurofibroma patientis cum neurofibromatosis.
Neurofibromas aetate peior fit. Laesiones in hoc individuo primum apparuerunt cum erat teenager.
Neurofibromas Communes benignae tumores in nervis periphericis inveniuntur. Plerumque mollis labefecit in cute vel parvas massas sub ea respicere. Evolvunt ex endoneurio et tela connectiva circa vaginam nervum periphericum. Neurofibromas are the most prevalent benign peripheral nerve sheath tumor. Often appearing as a soft, skin-colored papule or small subcutaneous nodule, they arise from endoneurium and the connective tissues of peripheral nerve sheaths.
Neurofibroma ut 2 ad 20 mm diametro, molle, flaccidum, et albido-reniforme. A biopsy adhiberi potest pro diagnosi histopathologia.
Neurofibroma Saepe in annis teenage nascitur et saepe post pubertatem. In hominibus cum Neurofibomatosis Type I, numero et magnitudine per aetatem crescere pergere tendunt.