☆ In anno 2022 Stiftung Warentest ex Germania provenit, satisfactio consumptoria cum ModelDerm paulo minus fuit quam cum consultationibus telemedicinis solutis. Vitium paene emendatum videtur.
In scaena chronica observari potest panni rudis squamosa.
relevance score : -100.0%
References Dyshidrotic Eczema: A Common Cause of Palmar Dermatitis 33173645 NIH
Dyshidrotic eczema , quae etiam ezezema palmoplantar acuta nota est, commune genus manus dermatitis in adultis. Facit circiter 5-20% casuum dermatitis manus. Haec conditio notatur pusulae fluidae parvae in lateribus digitorum et palmarum, tumore in strato cuti. Aliquando hae pusulae misceri possunt ad maiores formandas, sicut tapioca botellus. In gravibus casibus temerarius totam palmam manus spargere potest. Diagnosis typice fundatur in observatione clinica frequentissima cum pusulis apparentibus subito in digitis et ad palmas expansis.
Dyshidrotic eczema (DE) or acute palmoplantar eczema is a common cause of hand dermatitis in adults. It accounts for 5-20% of the causes of DE. It is a vesiculobullous disorder of the hands and soles. It is an intraepidermal spongiosis of the thick epidermis in which accumulation of edema causes the formation of small, tense, clear, fluid-filled vesicles on the lateral aspects of the fingers that can become large and form bullae. The vesicles can have a deep-seated appearance, which is referred to as “tapioca pudding.” In severe cases, lesions can extend to the palmar area and affect the entire palmar aspect of the hand. The diagnosis is mostly clinical and suggested by a recurrent rash of acute onset with vesicles and bullae located in the fingers extending to the palmar surfaces of the hands.
Vesico-bullous rash caused by pompholyx eczema 22665876 NIH
Vir XXXI annos dermatologiam visitavit cum historia IV dierum valde scabiei, papulae lineares in palma utriusque manus. Is nuper cum eo qui scabies fuerat tactus. Historiam scabie et asthma aeger ab infantia habuit, sed in adulta aetate non expertus erat. In examinatione et analysi microscopica, pusulae absque ullis notis nocivi, minutae, vel ovorum observatae sunt. Diagnosis praeliminaris pompholyx eczema facta est, et aegrotus corticosteroides lenis topicis utens incepit. Sed aeger post dies V rediit cum graviore symptomate et gravi lesione temeritatis.
A 31-year-old man presented to dermatology with a 4 day history of an intensely itchy, linear, vesicular rash affecting the palms of both hands, on the background of recent exposure to a patient with scabies. The patient had a history of childhood eczema and asthma but no exacerbations in adulthood. Examination and microscopy revealed a vesicular rash with an absence of any burrows, mites or eggs. A provisional diagnosis of pompholyx eczema was made and the patient was commenced on mild topical corticosteroids. The patient re-presented 5 days later with worsening symptoms and a severe vesico-bullous rash
Allergens, corporis vel mentis vis, frequenti manu abluens, vel metallica morbum aggregans. Diagnosis est proprie secundum id quod spectat sicut et symptomata. Aliae conditiones quae similia symptomata faciunt pustulas psoras et scabies includunt.
Curatio plerumque cum crepito steroideis. Magna vis crepito steroidei requiri potest pro prima septimana vel duobus. Antihistamines adhiberi possunt cum pruritu.
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○ Curatio
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