Telangiectasia Vasa sanguinea dilatata parva sunt quae circa superficiem pelliculae vel membranarum mucosarum fieri possunt, inter 0,5 et 1 millimetre diametro metientes. Vasae hae dilatatae in corpore usquam possunt evolvere, sed videri solent in facie circa nasum, genas et mentum.

lasers vasculares ad telangiectasias efficacissimae sunt, sed apparatum laseris pretiosam requirunt.
#Dye laser (e.g. V-beam)
☆ In anno 2022 Stiftung Warentest ex Germania provenit, satisfactio consumptoria cum ModelDerm paulo minus fuit quam cum consultationibus telemedicinis solutis.
  • Dermatomyositis
  • Spider nevus
References Evaluation of the Pinhole Method Using Carbon Dioxide Laser on Facial Telangiectasia 37109186 
Usus PINhole methodus cum CO2 curatione laseris pro telangiectasias facialis est tutus, parabilis, et accessus maxime efficax.
CO2 laser treatment using the pinhole method to treat facial telangiectasias is a safe, inexpensive, and effective treatment that provides patients with excellent aesthetic satisfaction.
 Evaluation of the Pinhole Method Using Carbon Dioxide Laser on Facial Telangiectasia 37109186 
Usus PINhole methodus cum CO2 curatione laseris pro telangiectasias facialis est tutus, parabilis, et accessus maxime efficax.
CO2 laser treatment using the pinhole method to treat facial telangiectasias is a safe, inexpensive, and effective treatment that provides patients with excellent aesthetic satisfaction.
 A retrospective 10 years‐ experience overview of dye laser treatments for vascular pathologies 37632184 
Flash-lamp pulsed dye laser (FPDL) Nunc late agnoscitur laser accuratissimus praesto ad quaestiones vasculares superficiei pertractandas. In hoc studio notitias decennium experientiae comparando collegimus curationem laseris tinctura aegris variis condicionibus vascularibus (telangiectasia, rhinophyma, port-wine stains, cherry and spider angiomas, and vascular tumors such as cherry angiomas, infantile hemangiomas, port wine stains, rhinophyma, spider angiomas, and telangiectasia) .
The Flash‐lamp pulsed dye laser (FPDL) is nowadays considered the most precise laser currently on the market for treating superficial vascular lesions. In this study, we gathered data from 10 years of experience regarding dye laser treatment of patients presenting vascular malformations such as telangiectasia, rhinophyma, port‐wine stain, cherry and spider angioma and vascular tumours: cherry angioma, infantile haemangioma, port wine stain, rhinophyma, spider angioma, telangiectasia