Parapsoriasis bezitt sech op ee vun enger Grupp vu Hautkrankheeten, déi sech haaptsächlech duerch hir Ähnlechkeet mat Psoriasis charakteriséiert (rout, schaferesch Läsionen). Parapsoriasis ass eng selten Haut lymphoproliferative Dermatosen déi haaptsächlech bei mëttelalterleche Erwuessener optrieden, 2/3 vun deenen männlech sinn.

Hautkriibs kann aus parapsoriasis entwéckelt ginn. Zum Beispill kann et zu kutanen T-Zell-Lymphom entwéckelen.

Diagnos a Behandlung
Blutt Tester fir Syphilis auszeschléissen
Biopsie fir kutan Lymphom auszeschléissen

☆ An den 2022 Stiftung Warentest Resultater aus Däitschland war d'Zefriddenheet vum Konsument mam ModelDerm nëmme liicht manner wéi mat bezuelte Telemedizin Konsultatiounen.
      References Parapsoriasis-A Diagnosis with an Identity Crisis: A Narrative Review 35426607 
      Parapsoriasis is an uncommon inflammatory skin disease characterized by chronic patches that may be resistant to therapy. It was primarily introduced and classified 120 years ago, and the original classification incorporated parapsoriasis and pityriasis lichenoides under the umbrella term parapsoriasis. After a major change in classification, parapsoriasis now exclusively refers to small plaque parapsoriasis (SPP) and large plaque parapsoriasis (LPP). However, debates still frequently occur regarding various nomenclatures and classifications used by different authors. Moreover, parapsoriasis may progress to overt cutaneous lymphoma, most commonly mycosis fungoides (MF), and it is very difficult to distinguish these two conditions despite modern histologic and molecular testing techniques.
       Histopathologic Evaluation of Parapsoriasis from the Perspective of NB-UVB/PUVA Therapy on the Outcome and Recurrence of the Disease 33911303 
      Parapsoriasis, presented as an early stage of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, is mostly treated with psoralen and ultraviolet A (PUVA) therapy and narrowband ultraviolet B (NB-UVB) phototherapy.