Urticarial vasculitis - Urtikarial Vaskulitis
☆ An den 2022 Stiftung Warentest Resultater aus Däitschland war d'Zefriddenheet vum Konsument mam ModelDerm nëmme liicht manner wéi mat bezuelte Telemedizin Konsultatiounen. relevance score : -100.0%
Urticarial vasculitis 34222586 NIH
Urticarial vasculitis ass e seltenen Zoustand markéiert duerch laang dauerhafte oder widderhuelend Episoden vun Hives. Wärend seng Hautsymptomer wéi chronesch Hives ähnelen, si sinn eenzegaarteg well d'Hives op d'mannst 24 Stonnen bleiwen a kënnen donkel Flecken verursaachen nodeems se verschwannen. Och wann et dacks vun onbekannter Ursaach ass, kann et heiansdo vu bestëmmte Medikamenter, Infektiounen, Autoimmunerkrankungen, Bluttkrankheeten oder Kriibs ausgeléist ginn. E puer Studien hunn et souguer mat COVID-19 an H1N1 Gripp verbonnen. Et kann och aner Deeler vum Kierper wéi Muskelen, Nieren, Longen, Mo, an Aen Afloss. Wärend eng gewëssen Typ vun Tissueuntersuchung d'Diagnostik bestätegen kann, ass et net ëmmer néideg. D'Behandlung fänkt normalerweis mat Antibiotike, Dapson, Kolchicin oder Hydroxychloroquin fir méi mild Fäll un. Fir méi schwéiere Fäll kënnen Medikamenter gebraucht ginn, déi den Immunsystem ënnerdrécken wéi Methotrexat oder Kortikosteroiden. Viru kuerzem hu biologesch Therapien (rituximab, omalizumab, interleukin-1 inhibitors) Verspriechen fir haart Fäll gewisen.
Urticarial vasculitis is a rare clinicopathologic entity that is characterized by chronic or recurrent episodes of urticarial lesions. Skin findings of this disease can be difficult to distinguish visually from those of chronic idiopathic urticaria but are unique in that individual lesions persist for ≥24 hours and can leave behind dusky hyperpigmentation. This disease is most often idiopathic but has been linked to certain drugs, infections, autoimmune connective disease, myelodysplastic disorders, and malignancies. More recently, some authors have reported associations between urticarial vasculitis and COVID-19, as well as influenza A/H1N1 infection. Urticarial vasculitis can extend systemically as well, most often affecting the musculoskeletal, renal, pulmonary, gastrointestinal, and ocular systems. Features of leukocytoclastic vasculitis seen on histopathologic examination are diagnostic of this disease, but not always seen. In practice, antibiotics, dapsone, colchicine, and hydroxychloroquine are popular first-line therapies, especially for mild cutaneous disease. In more severe cases, immunosuppressives, including methotrexate, mycophenolate mofetil, azathioprine, and cyclosporine, as well as corticosteroids, may be necessary for control. More recently, select biologic therapies, including rituximab, omalizumab, and interleukin-1 inhibitors have shown promise for the treatment of recalcitrant or refractory cases.
Faropenem-induced urticarial vasculitis - Case reports 33580928E 35 Joer ale Mann ass erakomm mat enger 15 Deeg Geschicht vu helle rouden, schmerzhafte Ausschlag op béide Oberschenkel a Been, zesumme mat Gelenkschmerzen. Hien hat eng Harnweeër Infektioun fir eng Woch ier den Ausschlag erschéngt. Seng Haut huet e puer zaarten, ringfërmeg, deelweis blanchbar, rout Placken op béide Säite vu sengen Oberschenkel a Been gewisen. Hie krut mëndlech Prednisolon (40mg / Dag) fir eng Woch zesumme mat engem net schläimleche Antihistamin (Fexofenadin) . Bannent enger Woch sinn all Ausschlag komplett verschwonnen. Et goufe keng Ausschlag méi an den nächsten 6 Méint vu regelméissege Kontrollen.
A 35-year-old man came in with a 15-day history of bright red, painful rashes on both thighs and legs, along with joint pain. He had a urinary tract infection for a week before the rash appeared. His skin showed several tender, ring-shaped, partially blanchable, red plaques on both sides of his thighs and legs. He was given oral prednisolone (40mg/day) for a week along with a non-drowsy antihistamine (fexofenadine). Within a week, all the rashes disappeared completely. There were no more rashes during the next 6 months of regular check-ups.
○ Behandlung ― OTC Drogen
Wann Dir Féiwer (erhéicht Kierpertemperatur) hutt, empfehle mir Iech sou séier wéi méiglech medizinesch Hëllef ze sichen.
D'verdächtegt Medikament soll gestoppt ginn. (zB Antibiotike, net-steroidal anti-inflammatoresch Medikamenter)
Oral Antihistaminle wéi Cetirizin oder Loratadin fir Jucken.
#Cetirizine [Zytec]
#LevoCetirizine [Xyzal]
#Loratadine [Claritin]
OTC Steroid Salben kënnen net effikass sinn fir déi geréng Potenz. Muss fir méi wéi eng Woch applizéiert ginn fir Verbesserung ze gesinn.
#Hydrocortisone ointment