Squamous cell carcinoma - Plakanšūnu Karcinomahttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Squamous_cell_carcinoma
☆ 2022. gada Stiftung Warentest rezultātos no Vācijas patērētāju apmierinātība ar ModelDerm bija tikai nedaudz zemāka nekā ar maksas telemedicīnas konsultācijām. Squamous cell carcinoma well differentiated ― Tiek novērota blakus esošā aktīniskā keratoze.
Plakanšūnu Karcinoma (Squamous cell carcinoma) ― Apakšdelms
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References Squamous Cell Skin Cancer 28722968 NIH
Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) ir otrs izplatītākais ādas vēzis Amerikas Savienotajās Valstīs pēc basal cell carcinoma. Tas parasti sākas no pirmsvēža bojājumiem, ko sauc par actinic keratosis , un var izplatīties uz citām ķermeņa daļām. Galvenais iemesls ir saules ultravioletā (UV) starojuma iedarbība, kas laika gaitā uzkrājas. Ārstēšana parasti ietver ķirurģisku izņemšanu, īpaši SCC uz galvas un kakla. Staru terapija ir iespēja vecākiem pacientiem vai tiem, kuriem nevar veikt operāciju. Imūnsupresija palielina SCC risku. Lai gan reti, SCC var izplatīties, īpaši pacientiem ar novājinātu imūnsistēmu. Regulāras pārbaudes un saules aizsardzība ir svarīgas tiem, kam ir SCC.
Squamous cell carcinoma of the skin or cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma is the second most common form of skin cancer in the United States, behind basal cell carcinoma. Squamous cell carcinoma has precursor lesions called actinic keratosis, exhibits tumor progression and has the potential to metastasize in the body. Ultraviolet (UV) solar radiation is the primary risk factor in the development of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma and the cumulative exposure received over a lifetime plays a major part in the development of this cancer. Surgical excision is the primary treatment modality for cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma, with Mohs micrographic surgery being the preferred excisional technique for squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck, and in other areas of high risk or squamous cell carcinoma with high-risk characteristics. Radiation therapy is reserved for squamous cell carcinoma in older patients or those who will not tolerate surgery, or when it has not been possible to obtain clear margins surgically. Adjuvant radiotherapy is commonly after surgical treatment in very high tumors. Immunosuppression significantly increases the risk of squamous cell carcinoma over the course of an individual’s life. Metastasis is uncommon for squamous cell carcinomas arising in areas of chronic sun exposure, but it can take place, and the risk is increased in immunosuppressed patients. Patients with cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma should be examined regularly and remember to use measures to protect from UV damage.
Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma: From Biology to Therapy 32331425 NIH
Cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (CSCC) ir otrs izplatītākais vēzis cilvēkiem, un to skaits pieaug. Lai gan CSCC parasti ir labdabīga klīniska uzvedība, tā var izplatīties gan lokāli, gan uz citām ķermeņa daļām. Zinātnieki ir identificējuši īpašus ceļus, kas saistīti ar CSCC izstrādi, kā rezultātā tiek izstrādātas jaunas ārstēšanas metodes. Lielais mutāciju skaits un paaugstināts risks pacientiem ar nomāktu imūnsistēmu ir veicinājis imūnterapijas attīstību. Šajā pārskatā aplūkotas CSCC ģenētiskās saknes un jaunākās ārstēšanas metodes, kas vērstas uz konkrētām molekulām un imūnsistēmu.
Cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (CSCC) is the second most frequent cancer in humans and its incidence continues to rise. Although CSCC usually display a benign clinical behavior, it can be both locally invasive and metastatic. The signaling pathways involved in CSCC development have given rise to targetable molecules in recent decades. In addition, the high mutational burden and increased risk of CSCC in patients under immunosuppression were part of the rationale for developing the immunotherapy for CSCC that has changed the therapeutic landscape. This review focuses on the molecular basis of CSCC and the current biology-based approaches of targeted therapies and immune checkpoint inhibitors
○ Diagnostika un ārstēšana
#Skin biopsy