Verruca plana
☆ Tamin'ny valin'ny Stiftung Warentest 2022 avy any Alemaina, ny fahafaham-pon'ny mpanjifa amin'ny ModelDerm dia ambany kely noho ny fifampidinihana telemedicine karama. 

Verruca plana eo amin'ny saokaky ny vehivavy efa antitra.

hoditra manodidina ny maso sy eo anelanelan'ny maso sy ny sofina no tena ahitana azy.
relevance score : -100.0%
Different skin wart types, different human papillomavirus types? A narrative review 38126099Ny aretin'ny hoditra dia vokatry ny papillomavirus olombelona (HPV) . Fikarohana maro no nandinika ny karazana HPV hita amin'ny tazo isan-karazany toy ny tazo mahazatra, plantar ary fisaka. Nahita karazana HPV isan-karazany izy ireo, saingy matetika no tsy fantatra raha izy ireo no antony. Ity taratasy fanadihadihana ity dia miresaka fomba vaovao amin'ny fitsirihana ny HPV amin'ny vozony, anisan'izany ny fomba fakana santionany, izay fitsapana hampiasaina, ary ny fanombanana ny habetsahan'ny viriosy ao anaty sela. Nandinika ihany koa ny fandinihana momba ny HPV amin'ny tazo mahazatra, plantar ary fisaka izahay ary niresaka fohifohy momba ny fisehoan'ny karazana HPV samihafa amin'ny santionan'ny tavy.
Skin warts are caused by human papillomaviruses (HPV). Many studies have looked into the types of HPV found in different warts like common, plantar, and flat warts. They've found various HPV types, but often it's not clear if they're the cause. This review paper discusses new methods for testing HPV in warts, including how to take samples, which tests to use, and estimating the amount of virus in cells. We also reviewed studies on HPV in common, plantar, and flat warts and briefly talked about how different HPV types show up in tissue samples of warts.
Clinical guideline for the diagnosis and treatment of cutaneous warts (2022) 36117295 NIH
Ity torolalana ity dia mikendry ny hanome tolo-kevitra mazava sy miorina amin'ny porofo momba ny fitsaboana ny aretin'ny hoditra, manampy ny mpanome tolotra ara-pahasalamana hanome fikarakarana tsara kokoa ary hanatsara ny tolotra ara-pitsaboana amin'ny ankapobeny.
It is a comprehensive and systematic evidence-based guideline and we hope this guideline could systematically and effectively guide the clinical practice of cutaneous warts and improve the overall levels of medical services.
Benign Eyelid Lesions 35881760 NIH
Ny fery mamaivay mahazatra indrindra dia chalazion sy pyogenic granuloma. Mety hiteraka aretina isan-karazany ny otrikaretina (verruca vulgaris, molluscum contagiosum, hordeolum) . Ny ratra neoplastika tsara dia mety ahitana squamous cell papilloma, epidermal inclusion cyst, dermoid/epidermoid cyst, acquired melanocytic nevus, seborrheic keratosis, hidrocystoma, cyst of Zeiss, xanthelasma.
The most common benign inflammatory lesions include chalazion and pyogenic granuloma. Infectious lesions include verruca vulgaris, molluscum contagiosum, and hordeolum. Benign neoplastic lesions include squamous cell papilloma, epidermal inclusion cyst, dermoid/epidermoid cyst, acquired melanocytic nevus, seborrheic keratosis, hidrocystoma, cyst of Zeiss, and xanthelasma.
○ Fitsaboana - Fanafody OTC
Fadio ny fanadiovana be loatra na ny fikasihana ny fery, satria ny fikosoham-bary dia mety hiteraka fiparitahan'ny ratra kely amin'ny ratra kely.
Ny fanomanana asidra salicylic dia azo ampiharina tsara amin'ny faritra voakasika. Mitandrema tsara mba tsy hanisy asidra be loatra manodidina ny fery.
#Salicylic acid, brush applicator [Duofilm]
○ Fitsaboana
#Laser ablasion (CO2 or Erbium laser)