Ko te Angiokeratoma he whiu kiri ngawari o nga kapi, ka puta he tohu iti o te tae whero ki te kikorangi, ka tohuhia e te hyperkeratosis. He maha nga angiokeratomas i runga i te katua i roto i nga taiohi, tera pea ko "Fabry disease", he mate ira e hono ana ki nga raru o te punaha.

Na te onge, ka pohehe pea te angiokeratomas he melanoma. Ka taea e te biopsy o te whiu te whakaputa i te tātaritanga tika ake.

Taatatanga me te Maimoatanga
#Skin biopsy
☆ I te 2022 Stiftung Warentest hua mai i Tiamana, he iti noa iho te pai o nga kaihoko ki a ModelDerm i nga korero mo te waea rongoa utu.
  • Take Atypical ― maha Angiokeratoma; Ko te nuinga o te Angiokeratoma he reinga kotahi.
  • He rite te ahua ki te melanoma, engari he rereke ki te melanoma na te mea he ngawari, he ngawari hoki ona ahuatanga. Ko te rahi o Angiokeratoma he iti ake i te mea e whakaatuhia ana i tenei pikitia. Angiokeratoma te nuinga o te wa ka puta he reinga kotahi.
References Cutaneous Angiokeratoma Treated With Surgical Excision and a 595-nm Pulsed Dye Laser 36545640 
Ko te Angiokeratomas he tipu i roto i nga oko toto, ka puta he mea kua ara ake, he whero ki te pango pango me nga papa i runga i te kiri. Ka taea te puta mai he whiu kotahi, maha ranei, he rereke te tae, te ahua, me te waahi. Ka matapakihia e tenei rangahau nga keehi e rua o te angiokeratoma i rongoatia ki te tango pokanga me te 595-nm pulsed dye laser (PDL) , ka puta te whakaora tohu me te pai ake o te ahua.
Angiokeratomas are vascular neoplasms with hyperkeratotic red to black papules and plaques, which may present as solitary or multiple lesions with variations in color, shape, and location. Successful treatment not only involves improvement of these symptoms but also cosmetic improvement. This report reviews 2 cases of cutaneous angiokeratoma treated with surgical excision and a 595-nm pulsed dye laser (PDL) in which the patients showed improvement of symptoms and cosmetic appearance. There are various types of angiokeratomas, and their extent, size, condition, and symptoms are different. Therefore, lesion-specific combined treatments may yield better results.
 Angiokeratoma circumscriptum - Case reports 33342183
Ko te Angiokeratoma circumscriptum te ahua onge o te angiokeratoma, he mate ka kitea i te wahine. Ko te ahua o te pouri-whero tae atu ki te puru-pango nga tautau o nga puku, nga nodule ranei i nga peka o raro, he tauira e rua nga waahanga me tetahi taha o te tinana.
Angiokeratoma circumscriptum is the rarest form of angiokeratoma, a condition mainly found in females. It shows up as dark-red to blue-black clusters of bumps or nodules on the lower limbs, typically in a pattern that's both segmental and on one side of the body.