Atopic dermatitis
☆ I te 2022 Stiftung Warentest hua mai i Tiamana, he iti noa iho te pai o nga kaihoko ki a ModelDerm i nga korero mo te waea rongoa utu. relevance score : -100.0%
References Atopic Dermatitis 28846349 NIH
Ko te mate pukupuku atopic, he momo eczema, ko te mate mumura kiri mau tonu. Ko ona take he uaua, e uru ana ki nga ahuatanga ira me te taiao, ka puta he kino ki te paparanga o waho o te kiri me te punaha mate.
Atopic dermatitis (AD), which is a specific form of eczema, is the most common chronic inflammatory skin disease. Atopic dermatitis has a complex etiology including genetic and environmental factors which lead to abnormalities in the epidermis and the immune system.
Atopic Dermatitis: Diagnosis and Treatment 32412211Ko te maimoatanga tuatahi mo te mumura o te dermatitis atopic ko te whakamahi i nga corticosteroids. Ko te Pimecrolimus me te tacrolimus, he aukati calcineurin o runga, ka taea te taapiri atu ki nga corticosteroids o runga hei maimoatanga tuatahi. Ki te kore e ranea nga maimoatanga paerewa, ko te whakamaarama whakamaarama ultraviolet he huarahi haumaru me te whai hua mo te mate mate otopiko ki te taumaha. Ko nga patu paturopi e aro ana ki te Staphylococcus aureus ka whai hua ki nga mate kiri tuarua. Ahakoa ko nga rongoa hou (crisaborole, dupilumab) e whakaatu ana i te oati mo te rongoa i te mate mate mate, he nui rawa te utu mo te maha o nga turoro.
The primary treatment for flare-ups of atopic dermatitis is using topical corticosteroids. Pimecrolimus and tacrolimus, which are topical calcineurin inhibitors, can be added to topical corticosteroids as initial treatment. When standard treatments aren't enough, ultraviolet phototherapy is a safe and effective option for moderate to severe atopic dermatitis. Antibiotics targeting Staphylococcus aureus are effective against secondary skin infections. While newer medications (crisaborole, dupilumab) show promise for treating atopic dermatitis, they're currently too expensive for many patients.
Atopic dermatitis in children 27166464Ko te mate mate Atopic he take noa i roto i nga mahi whanui, ina koa i nga tamariki. Ko te whakatau i nga steroids mo nga tamariki e pa ana ki tenei ahuatanga me tino mohio. Ko te whai i nga maatua ki te whai i nga maimoatanga ko te whakamaarama pai, me te whakamaarama i o raatau awangawanga mo nga paanga taha roa o te corticosteroids.
Atopic dermatitis is a common issue in general practice, especially among children. Prescribing topical steroids for kids with this condition requires a good grasp of it. Getting parents to follow through with treatment involves explaining well, easing their worries about long-term side effects of corticosteroids.
Ko te take kaore i te mohiotia engari, ko te hunga e noho ana ki nga taone nui me nga whenua maroke ka pa te nuinga. Ko te pa atu ki nga matū (hei tauira, te hopi) me te horoi i nga ringaringa ka kino ake nga tohu. Ahakoa te taumahatanga o te kare-a-roto ka kino ake nga tohu, ehara i te mea he take.
Ko te maimoatanga ko te karo i nga mea e kino ake ai te mate (hei tauira, te whakamahi i te hopi), te tono kirīmi pūtaiaki ka puta te mura, me nga rongoa hei awhina i te mamae. Ko nga mea e tino kino ana ko nga kakahu huruhuru, hopi, hinu kakara, puehu, inu, me te paowa hikareti. Ko nga patu paturopi (ma te pire-waha, ma te kirīmi ranei) ka hiahiatia mena ka tupu te mate huakita.
○ Maimoatanga ― OTC Drugs
Ko te tono i te steroid OTC ki te waahi e pa ana me te tango i te OTC antihistamine ka whai hua. I te nuinga o nga wa koinei te mea tino nui. Ka taea te tono momo moisturizer. Heoi, i te mea ko te mate mate mate he mate aukati, kaore e taea e nga makuku anake te whakaoti rapanga katoa. Ko te horoi i nga mate ki te hopi ka kino pea nga tohu. Ko te nuinga o nga mate mate pawera ka kino ake ina kore koe e moe, kei te taumaha ranei koe.
* OTC Antihistamine
#Cetirizine [Zytec]
#Diphenhydramine [Benadryl]
#LevoCetirizine [Xyzal]
#Fexofenadine [Allegra]
#Loratadine [Claritin]
* OTC pūtaiaki
#Hydrocortisone cream
#Hydrocortisone ointment
#Hydrocortisone lotion
* OTC moisturizer