Burn - Tahuna
☆ I te 2022 Stiftung Warentest hua mai i Tiamana, he iti noa iho te pai o nga kaihoko ki a ModelDerm i nga korero mo te waea rongoa utu. relevance score : -100.0%
Burn Classification 30969595 NIH
Ko te weranga o runga (tohu tuatahi) ka pa ki te paparanga kiri o runga anake. Ko enei weranga he mawhero, he whero ranei, karekau e pupuhi, he maroke, he ahua mamae. I te nuinga o te wa ka ora i roto i te 5 ki te 10 nga ra kaore e waiho he nawe. Ko te weranga tohu tuarua, ka kiia hoki ko te weranga papapau-te-te-te-taatototanga, ka pa ki te paparanga o waho o te waahanga hohonu o te kiri. He mea noa te pupuhi ka noho tonu ina kitea tuatahi. I muri i te whakatuwheratanga o te pupuhi, he whero, he mawhero ranei te kiri o raro, ka ma ina pehia. He mamae enei weranga. Ko te tikanga ka ora i roto i te 2 ki te 3 wiki me te iti o te nawe. Ko te weranga hohonu o te waahanga-matotoru ka uru ki te taha hohonu o te paparanga hohonu o te kiri. Pērā i te weranga ā-wāhanga mātotoru, he opupu tonu. Ina tangohia nga opupu, ka pahekeheke te tae o te kiri o raro, ka ata ka ma ina pehia. Ko nga turoro e pa ana ki enei weranga he iti te mamae, tera pea ka pa ki te pehanga hohonu. Ka taea e enei weranga te whakaora me te kore pokanga, engari ka roa ake, me te tumanako ka pakaru.
A superficial (first-degree) burn involves the epidermis only. These burns can be pink-to-red, without blistering, are dry, and can be moderately painful. Superficial burns heal without scarring within 5 to 10 days. A second-degree burn, also known as a superficial partial-thickness burn, affects the superficial layer of the dermis. Blisters are common and may still be intact when first evaluated. Once the blister is unroofed, the underlying wound bed is homogeneously red or pink and will blanch with pressure. These burns are painful. Healing typically occurs within 2 to 3 weeks with minimal scarring. A deep partial-thickness burn involves the deeper reticular dermis. Similar to superficial partial-thickness burns, these burns can also present with blisters intact. Once the blisters are debrided, the underlying wound bed is mottled and will sluggishly blanch with pressure. The patient with a partial-thickness burn experiences minimal pain, which may only be present with deep pressure. These burns can heal without surgery, but it takes longer, and scarring is unavoidable.
Burn Resuscitation and Management 28613546 NIH
He iti te nuinga o nga weranga ka taea te rongoa i te kainga, e nga kaiwhakarato hauora o te rohe me te kore e uru ki te hohipera. Heoi ano, ko tenei upoko ka tino korero mo te tiaki tere me te maimoatanga o nga wera nui. (Mo etahi atu korero, tirohia nga waahanga mo nga Weranga, Aromātai me te Whakahaere, me nga Weranga, Ngawha.)
Most burns are small and are treated at home or by local providers as outpatients. This chapter will focus on the initial resuscitation and management of severe burns. (Also see Burns, Evaluation and Management and Burns, Thermal).
Burn injury 32054846 NIH
He maha nga wa ka warewarehia nga whara o te wera engari ka pa mai te kino me te mate. Ko nga weranga nui ka pa ki nga tauhohenga a-tinana, tae atu ki nga urupare aukati, nga huringa metabolic, me te wiri, he uaua ki te rongoa me te kore o nga whekau maha.
Burn injuries are under-appreciated injuries that are associated with substantial morbidity and mortality. Burn injuries, particularly severe burns, are accompanied by an immune and inflammatory response, metabolic changes and distributive shock that can be challenging to manage and can lead to multiple organ failure.
Ko nga weranga ka pa ki nga paparanga kiri papapapa anake ka kiia he weranga teitei, tohu tuatahi ranei. He whero te ahua karekau he opupu, ka toru nga ra ka roa te mamae.
Ina toro atu te whara ki etahi o te paparanga kiri o raro, he weranga-a-waha, he wera tuarua ranei. He maha nga wa ka kitea nga pupuhi, ka tino mamae. Ka tae ki te waru wiki te roa o te whakaora, ka puta he nawe.
I roto i te tino matotoru, te wera tuatoru ranei, ka toro atu te whara ki nga paparanga katoa o te kiri. I te nuinga o te wa karekau he mamae, he maro hoki te wahi wera.
Ko te weranga tuawha-tohu ka pa te whara ki nga kopa hohonu, penei i te uaua, nga uaua, te wheua ranei. He pango te weranga, he maha nga wa ka ngaro te wahi kua wera.
○ Maimoatanga - Rongoa OTC
He mea nui kia kaua e pakaru nga pupuhi i runga i te waahi kua wera. He pai ki te whakaheke i te serum anake i roto i te pupuhi. Me tupato kia kore e piri te kakano me te kakahu ki te pupuhi ka haea, ka tangohia ranei.
Hipokina te weranga ki te takai pokekore hei tiaki i te waahi kua pa. Mēnā kua memeha kē ngā opupu, me whakamahi ngā rongoā paturopi, te kirimini sulfadiazine hiriwa 1% (Silmazine) ranei. Tangohia nga NSAID, acetaminophen, me te OTC antihistamines hei whakaiti i te mumura me te mamae.
Nga patu paturopi
#Silver sulfadiazine 1% cream
Kai whakaora mamae
#OTC antihistamine
#Cetirizine [Zytec]
#Diphenhydramine [Benadryl]
#LevoCetirizine [Xyzal]
#Fexofenadine [Allegra]
#Loratadine [Claritin]