Dysplastic nevus - Nevus Dysplastichttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dysplastic_nevus
☆ I te 2022 Stiftung Warentest hua mai i Tiamana, he iti noa iho te pai o nga kaihoko ki a ModelDerm i nga korero mo te waea rongoa utu. Dysplastic nevi ― E taunaki ana te koiora mo nga tangata o te Tai Hauauru.
Ko te hanga hangarite me te tawhē rewharewha e tohu ana he Nevus Dysplastic (Dysplastic nevus) pea. Engari ko te tae me te rahi kei roto i te awhe noa. E tika ana he biopsy hei whakau.
He rite te ahua korikori ki nga paearu o te ture ABCD (asymmetry), engari ka rereke pea te whakatau i waenga i nga kaiarotake.
relevance score : -100.0%
References Dysplastic Nevi 29489189 NIH
Ko te Dysplastic nevus , e mohiotia ana ano he atypical Clarks nevus ranei, i whakaohooho i nga tautohetohe i roto i te dermatology me te dermatopathology. He maha nga wa ka werohia e nga takuta enei kiore na te mea he ahua kee te ahua ka puta he awangawanga mo te melanoma.
A dysplastic nevus is also referred to as an atypical or Clarks nevus and has been the topic of much debate in the fields of dermatology and dermatopathology. It is an acquired mole demonstrating a unique clinical and histopathologic appearance that sets it apart from the common nevus. These moles appear atypical clinically, often with a fried-egg appearance, and are commonly biopsied by providers due to the concern for melanoma.
Publication Trends and Hot Topics in Dysplastic Nevus Research: A 30-Year Bibliometric Analysis 37992349 NIH
Ko te Dysplastic nevi , e mohiotia ana he atypical, Clark nevi ranei, i etahi wa ka arai ki te melanoma. Tata ki te 36% o nga melanomas ka kitea tata ki te nevi dysplastic. Ko nga tohu ka huri pea te nevus dysplastic ki te melanoma ko te ahua koretake, te nui ake o nga huringa pigment, te tae hina ranei. I te nuinga o te wa ka pa enei mate pukupuku i te tamarikitanga (tata ki te waenganui o te toru tekau) , ka maha pea, ka noho tonu ki runga i te katua. I roto i te ira, dysplastic nevi kei waenganui i te nevi ngawari me te mate pukupuku. Heoi, 20% ki te 30% anake o nga melanomas ka puta mai i nga nevi o naianei. I te mea karekau te nuinga o nga nevi e huri hei melanoma, karekau i te tūtohu kia tangohia kia kore e taea.
Dysplastic nevus, also called atypical or Clark nevus, can be precursor to melanoma, as the observation that 36% of melanomas have dysplastic nevi near the invasive tumor supports. Signs that a dysplastic nevus may have transitioned into a melanoma include asymmetry in contour, a noticeable increase in pigment variations, or a grayish tint indicating regression. These malignancies typically arise at a younger age (mid-thirties), are sometimes multiple, and are often found on the trunk. Molecularly, dysplastic nevi have a profile intermediate between benign nevi and malignant melanoma. While there is a recognized connection between dysplastic nevi and melanoma, it’s crucial to note that only about 20% to 30% of melanomas evolve from preexisting nevi. Given that the majority of dysplastic and typical nevi do not develop into melanoma, preventive removal of melanocytic nevi is not typically advised.
Malignant Melanoma 29262210 NIH
Ko te melanoma he momo pukupuku ka puta ina mate pukupuku nga melanocytes, nga pūtau e pa ana ki te tae kiri. Ko nga melanocytes i ahu mai i te kohanga neural. Ko te tikanga ka tupu te melanomas ehara i te kiri anake engari i etahi atu waahi ka heke nga pūtau neural crest, penei i te kohanga whekau me te roro. Ko te reeti oranga mo nga turoro melanoma moata (waahanga 0) he teitei ki te 97%, engari ka tino heke iho ki te 10% mo te hunga kua pangia e te mate o mua (waahanga IV) .
A melanoma is a tumor produced by the malignant transformation of melanocytes. Melanocytes are derived from the neural crest; consequently, melanomas, although they usually occur on the skin, can arise in other locations where neural crest cells migrate, such as the gastrointestinal tract and brain. The five-year relative survival rate for patients with stage 0 melanoma is 97%, compared with about 10% for those with stage IV disease.
○ Te mate pukupuku
Ka kitea i roto i nga tangata Caucasian i te United States, ko te hunga e mate ana i te nevi dysplastic he morearea mo to ratau oranga ki te whakawhanake melanoma neke atu i te 10%. I tetahi atu taha, ko te hunga kaore he nevus dysplastic he tupono ki te whakawhanake melanoma iti iho i te 1%.
○ Whakatupato mo te hunga e mate ana i te nevi dysplastic
I te nuinga o te wa ka tūtohuhia kia tirotirohia te kiri mo te aukati i te melanoma (ma te tautuhi i nga nevi atypical ka taea te tango) mo te kite wawe ranei i nga pukupuku o mua. Ko nga tangata whai hitori whaiaro, whanau ranei mo te mate pukupuku kiri, he maha ranei nga nevi atypical me toro atu ki tetahi tohunga kiri i te iti rawa kia kotahi tau i te tau kia mohio ai kaore ratou i te whakawhanake melanoma.
I whai hua te whakapotonga [ABCDE] hei awhina i nga kaiwhakarato tiaki hauora me nga reimana ki te mahara ki nga ahuatanga matua o te mate pukupuku. Ko te mea pouri mo te tangata toharite, he maha nga keratoses seborrheic, etahi lentigo senilis, tae atu ki nga kiritona he ahua [ABCDE], kaore e taea te wehe mai i te melanoma.
Asymmetrical: Te mate kiri hangarite.
Border: Korekore te taitapa o te whiu.
Color: Ko te nuinga o nga wa he maha nga tae koretake o te melanomas.
Diameter: Nevi nui ake i te 6 mm ka nui ake te ahua o te melanomas i te nevi iti.
Evolution: Ko te kukuwhatanga (arā, ko te huringa) o te nevus, o te rewharewha pea ka tohu kei te kino te mate.