☆ I te 2022 Stiftung Warentest hua mai i Tiamana, he iti noa iho te pai o nga kaihoko ki a ModelDerm i nga korero mo te waea rongoa utu. relevance score : -100.0%
Abrasion 32119352 NIH
Ko te werohanga he whara papaku ki te kiri me nga papa o roto o te tinana, ka whati te kiko engari kaore i te hohonu. I te nuinga o nga wa he patunga iti, ka pa te nuinga ki te paparanga o runga o te kiri, a kare e nui te toto. Ko te nuinga o nga maru ka ora me te kore e waiho he nawe. Heoi, ki te toro atu te abrasion ki roto i te kiri, ka hua pea te hanga o te kiri nawe i te wa e whakaora ana.
Abrasions are superficial injuries that occur on the skin and visceral linings of the body, disrupting tissue continuity. They are typically minor wounds, mainly limited to the epidermis, and usually do not cause significant bleeding. Most abrasions heal without leaving any scars. However, if the abrasion extends into the dermis, it may result in scar tissue formation during the healing process.
Scar Revision 31194458 NIH
I te nuinga o nga wa ka waiho nga whara ki te waahi o te tukanga whakaora. Ko te mea pai, kia papatahi, kia whaiti, kia rite ki te tae kiri. Ko nga ahuatanga rereke penei i te mate, te iti o te rere o te toto, me te whara ka taea te whakaheke i te whakaora. Ko nga maru ka piki ake, ka pouri, ka kaha ake ranei ka arahi ki nga take mahi me nga take kare-a-roto.
Scars are a natural and normal part of healing following an injury to the integumentary system. Ideally, scars should be flat, narrow, and color-matched. Several factors can contribute to poor wound healing. These include but are not limited to infection, poor blood flow, ischemia, and trauma. Proliferative, hyperpigmented, or contracted scars can cause serious problems with both function and emotional well-being.
○ Maimoatanga ― OTC Drugs
Horoia me te whakakakahu tonu i te patunga.
I te timatanga, ka mahi te betadine ma te patu i nga momo moroiti. Heoi, ko te whakamahi tonu i te betadine ka raru pea te whakaora patunga.
Hoatuhia te hinu paturopi ia ra, ka hipoki i te patunga ki te kakahu hydrocolloid kia kore ai e pangia te mate.
#Hydrocolloid dressing [Duoderm]