Ko te Erythema ab igne he mate kiri na te wa roa e pa ana ki te wera (raruraru infrared). Ko te roanga o te whakamaaramatanga o te iraruke waiariki ki te kiri ka puta mai te erythema reticulated, hyperpigmentation, scaling me te telangiectasias i te waahi kua pa. Ko etahi o nga tangata ka amuamu mo te ngawari o te mamae me te wera.
Ko nga momo puna wera rereke ka puta tenei ahuatanga penei: - Te tono tukurua i nga ipu wai wera, nga paraikete whakamahana me nga papa wera hei rongoa i te mamae mau tonu. - He maha nga korero ki nga tuuru motuka wera, nga whakamahana mokowhiti, nga ahi ahi ranei. Ko te tukurua, te wa roa ranei ki te whakamahana he take noa i roto i te hunga kaumātua. - Nga mahi morearea a nga kaitarai hiriwa me nga taonga whakapaipai (he wera te kanohi), nga kaihanga taro me nga kaitao (ringa, kanohi) - Whakatauhia he rorohiko pona ki runga i te huha (rorohiko rorohiko-induced erythema ab igne).
Erythema ab igne, also known as hot water bottle rash, is a skin condition caused by long-term exposure to heat (infrared radiation). Prolonged thermal radiation exposure to the skin can lead to the development of reticulated erythema, hyperpigmentation, scaling and telangiectasias in the affected area. Some people may complain of mild itchiness and a burning sensation, but often, unless a change in pigmentation is seen, it can go unnoticed.
☆ I te 2022 Stiftung Warentest hua mai i Tiamana, he iti noa iho te pai o nga kaihoko ki a ModelDerm i nga korero mo te waea rongoa utu.
Ko te roa o te rongo ki te wera ka pa mai tenei mate.
Ka tupu pea tenei mena ka roa te wa e noho ana nga waewae ki te umu wera
Ko te Erythema ab igne he ponana ka puta mai i te rongo tonu ki te wera me te iraruke infrared. He maha nga wa ka puta mai i nga mahi, i te whakamahi ranei i nga papa whakamahana. Ko te maimoatanga matua ko te tango i te puna wera. Ka memeha haere te ponana i te roanga o te wa, engari ka waiho tonu te hyperpigmentation me te nawe. Ka taea e nga maimoatanga penei i te tretinoin me te hydroquinone te awhina i te hyperpigmentation tohe. Erythema ab igne is a rash characterized by a reticulated pattern of erythema and hyperpigmentation. It is caused by repeated exposure to direct heat or infrared radiation, often from occupational exposure or the use of heating pads. The primary treatment of this disease entity is the removal of the offending heat source. The resulting abnormal pigmentation of affected areas may resolve over months to years; however, permanent hyperpigmentation or scarring may persist. Treatments for hyperpigmentation, such as topical tretinoin or hydroquinone, can be useful in treating persistent hyperpigmentation.
Ko nga momo puna wera rereke ka puta tenei ahuatanga penei:
- Te tono tukurua i nga ipu wai wera, nga paraikete whakamahana me nga papa wera hei rongoa i te mamae mau tonu.
- He maha nga korero ki nga tuuru motuka wera, nga whakamahana mokowhiti, nga ahi ahi ranei. Ko te tukurua, te wa roa ranei ki te whakamahana he take noa i roto i te hunga kaumātua.
- Nga mahi morearea a nga kaitarai hiriwa me nga taonga whakapaipai (he wera te kanohi), nga kaihanga taro me nga kaitao (ringa, kanohi)
- Whakatauhia he rorohiko pona ki runga i te huha (rorohiko rorohiko-induced erythema ab igne).