Herpes zosterhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shingles
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References Herpes Zoster and Postherpetic Neuralgia: Prevention and Management 29431387Ko nga kohu, na te whakaohooho ano o te huaketo varicella zoster te take mo te mate heihei, ka pa ki te 1 miriona taangata ia tau i te United States, me te 30%. Ko te hunga e ngoikore ana nga punaha aukati ka kaha ake ki te whakawhanake i te kopa, me nga tohu ka tiimata mai i te ngoikoretanga, te mamae o te upoko, me te kirika ngawari, ka whai i nga ahuatanga rereke o te kiri i etahi ra i mua i te puta mai o te pupuhi. Ko tenei ponana, i te nuinga o te wa ka puta ki tetahi waahi motuhake o te tinana, ka ahu whakamua mai i nga pupuhi marama ki nga tuwhenua kirikiri i roto i te wiki ki te tekau nga ra. He mea tino nui te maimoatanga tere me nga rongoa patu huaketo (acyclovir, valacyclovir, or famciclovir) i roto i te 72 haora i muri i te tiimatanga. Ko te neuralgia postherpetic, he raruraru noa e tohuhia ana e te mamae roa i te waahi kua pa, ka pa ki te kotahi i roto i te rima nga turoro me te whakahaere tonu me nga rongoa penei i te gabapentin, pregabalin, etahi antidepressants ranei, me nga raau taero penei i te lidocaine me te capsaicin. Ko te werohanga ki te huaketo varicella zoster e taunakitia ana mo nga pakeke 50 tau ki runga ake hei whakaiti i te tupono o te mate shingles.
Shingles, caused by the reactivation of the varicella zoster virus responsible for chickenpox, affects around 1 million people annually in the United States, with a lifetime risk of 30%. Those with weakened immune systems are significantly more prone to developing shingles, with symptoms typically starting with malaise, headache, and a mild fever, followed by unusual skin sensations a few days before the appearance of a rash. This rash, usually appearing in a specific area of the body, progresses from clear blisters to crusted sores over a week to ten days. Prompt treatment with antiviral medications (acyclovir, valacyclovir, or famciclovir) within 72 hours of rash onset is crucial. Postherpetic neuralgia, a common complication characterized by prolonged pain in the affected area, affects about one in five patients and requires ongoing management with medications such as gabapentin, pregabalin, or certain antidepressants, along with topical agents like lidocaine or capsaicin. Vaccination against the varicella zoster virus is recommended for adults aged 50 and above to reduce the risk of shingles.
Epidemiology, treatment and prevention of herpes zoster: A comprehensive review 29516900Herpes zoster ka kaha ake te pa ki nga tangata 50 me te pakeke ake, ki te hunga he ngoikore te punaha mate, me te hunga e tango ana i nga rongoa aukati. Na te whakaohooho ano o te huaketo varicella-zoster, te huaketo ano e puta ai te mate heihei. Ko nga tohu penei i te kirikaa, te mamae, me te patito ka puta i mua i te ahua o te ponana. Ko te tino raruraru ko te neuralgia post-herpetic, he mamae tonu o te nerve i muri i te whakakorenga o te ponana. He rereke nga ahuatanga morearea me nga raruraru e pa ana ki te herpes zoster i runga i te pakeke, te hauora aukati, me te wa i timata ai te maimoatanga. Ko te werohanga mo nga taangata 60 me runga ake kua whakaatuhia he tino whakaiti i te puta o te herpes zoster me te neuralgia post-herpetic. Ko te tiimata i nga rongoa patu huaketo me nga rongoa mamae i roto i te 72 haora i te tiimata o te pupuhi ka iti ake te kaha me nga raru o te herpes zoster me te neuralgia post-herpetic.
Herpes zoster tends to occur more frequently in people aged 50 and older, those with weakened immune systems, and those taking immunosuppressant medications. It's triggered by the reactivation of the varicella-zoster virus, the same virus that causes chickenpox. Symptoms like fever, pain, and itching commonly precede the appearance of the characteristic rash. The most common complication is post-herpetic neuralgia, which is persistent nerve pain after the rash clears up. The risk factors and complications associated with herpes zoster vary depending on age, immune health, and timing of treatment initiation. Vaccination for individuals aged 60 and above has been shown to significantly reduce the occurrence of herpes zoster and post-herpetic neuralgia. Starting antiviral medications and pain relievers within 72 hours of rash onset can lessen the severity and complications of herpes zoster and post-herpetic neuralgia.
Prevention of Herpes Zoster: A Focus on the Effectiveness and Safety of Herpes Zoster Vaccines 36560671 NIH
Ko nga whakamatautau haumanu i mua i te whakaaetanga e tohu ana ko te kano kano zoster ora e mahi ana i te 50 ki te 70%, engari he pai ake te mahi a te kano kano recombinant, mai i te 90 ki te 97%. I roto i nga rangahau o te ao, kei te tautoko ratou i nga kitenga o nga whakamatautau, e whakaatu ana ko te kano kano ora kei te 46% te whai hua, ko te recombinant kei te 85%.
The pre-licensure clinical trials show the efficacy of the live zoster vaccine to be between 50 and 70% and for the recombinant vaccine to be higher at 90 to 97%. Real-world effectiveness studies, with a follow-up of approximately 10 years, were reviewed in this article. These data corroborated the efficacy studies, with vaccine effectiveness being 46% and 85% for the live and recombinant vaccines, respectively.
Ko te mate heihei, e kiia ana ko te varicella, ka puta mai i te mate tuatahi o te huaketo, te nuinga ka puta i te wa o te tamarikitanga, o te taiohi ranei. Kia ora te mate heihei, ka noho hohekore te wheori (moe) i roto i nga pūtau nerve tangata mo nga tau, tekau tau ranei, katahi ka whakahohe ano. Ka puta te herpes zoster ina whakahohea ano te huaketo varicella moe. Na ka haere te huaketo ma te taha o nga tinana nerve ki nga pito nerve i roto i te kiri, ka puta he pupuhi. I te pakarutanga o te herpes zoster , ko te rongo ki te huaketo varicella i kitea i roto i te herpes zoster opupu ka pa mai te mate heihei ki te tangata kaore ano kia mate heihei.
Ko nga mea morearea mo te whakaohooho ano i te huaketo moe ko te koroheketanga, te ngoikore o te mahi aukati, me te pangia o te heihei i mua i te 18 marama. Ko te huaketo Varicella zoster ehara i te rite ki te huaketo herpes simplex, ahakoa no te whanau kotahi o te herpesviruses.
Ko nga kano kano herpes zoster ka whakaiti i te tupono o te herpes zoster ma te 50% ki te 90%. Ka whakahekehia hoki te reiti o te neuralgia postherpetic, a, ki te puta mai te herpes zoster , tona taumahatanga. Mena ka puta te herpes zoster , ka taea e nga rongoa patu huaketo penei i te aciclovir te whakaiti i te kaha me te roa o te mate mena ka timata i roto i te 72 haora i muri i te puta mai o te ponana.
○ Maimoatanga
Mena kei te horapa tere nga whiu, tirohia to taakuta mo te maimoatanga antiviral.
Ko nga raau taero antiviral me nga rongoa neuralgia e hiahiatia ana. Me okioki koe ka mutu te inu waipiro.