☆ I te 2022 Stiftung Warentest hua mai i Tiamana, he iti noa iho te pai o nga kaihoko ki a ModelDerm i nga korero mo te waea rongoa utu. 

Axillary Intertrigo

poka ringa Intertrigo
relevance score : -100.0%
The diagnosis, management and prevention of intertrigo in adults: a review 37405940Ko te Intertrigo he mate kiri auau na te mirimiri i waenga i nga kopa kiri, ko te tikanga na te makuku i mau i te iti o te rere o te hau. Ka tupu i nga waahi katoa e pa ana nga kiri kiri.
Intertrigo is a frequent skin disease triggered by rubbing between skin folds, typically due to trapped moisture from limited air flow. It can happen wherever skin surfaces touch closely.
Intertrigo and Common Secondary Skin Infections 16156342Ko Intertrigo te mate ka mumura nga kopa kiri na te mirimiri tetahi ki tetahi. He take noa e pa ana ki nga waahi ka pa te kiri ki te kiri, ki nga kiri mucous ranei. I roto i nga tamariki, ka puta mai he ponana kope. Ka tupu i roto i nga kopa kiri maori me nga kopa i hangaia e te momona. Ko te waku i roto i enei waahi ka arahi ki nga raru penei i te mate huakita me te mate harore. Ko te tikanga ki te whakahaere i te intertrigo ko te whakaiti i te makuku me te waku ma te whakamahi i nga paura penei i te maaka kanga, i nga kirimiti arai ranei. Me kakahu nga turoro i nga kakahu marumaru, te manawa me te karo i nga taonga penei i te wūru, i te waihanga. Me tohutohu nga taakuta ki nga turoro mo te karo i te wera, te makuku, me nga mahi o waho. He pai te mahi korikori, engari me kaukau nga turoro i muri mai me te whakamaroke i nga waahi kua pa. Mo te intertrigo i waenganui i nga matimati, ka taea e te mau hu tuwhera te awhina. Ko nga mate huakita me nga mate harore me rongoa ki te patu patu, paturopi, antifungal ranei, i runga i te take.
Intertrigo is the disease when skin folds become inflamed due to rubbing against each other. It's a common issue that affects areas where skin touches skin or mucous membranes. In kids, it can show up as diaper rash. It happens in natural skin folds and also in folds created by obesity. Friction in these areas can lead to complications like bacterial or fungal infections. The usual way to manage intertrigo is to reduce moisture and friction using powders like cornstarch or barrier creams. Patients should wear loose, breathable clothes and avoid materials like wool or synthetics. Doctors should advise patients on avoiding heat, humidity, and outdoor activities. Exercise is usually good, but patients should shower afterward and thoroughly dry affected areas. For intertrigo between the toes, wearing open-toed shoes can help. Bacterial or fungal infections should be treated with antiseptics, antibiotics, or antifungals, depending on the cause.
Intertrigo 30285384 NIH
Ko te Intertrigo he mate kiri ka puta te mumura o nga kopa o te kiri, i te nuinga o te waa na nga mea penei i te mahana, te waku, te makuku, me te kore o te rere o te hau. He maha nga wa ka pangia, ina koa ki a Candida, engari ka uru ano etahi atu iroriki. Ka taea e Intertrigo te pa ki nga tangata o nga reanga katoa, a, i te nuinga o te waa ka tohua i runga i nga tohu haumanu. Ko nga waahi noa e pa ana ko nga whao, i raro i nga u, nga kopa o te puku, me te papa. He whero te ahua o te kiri kua pangia, ka tupu etahi atu whiu i roto i te waa, me te raweke ranei.
Intertrigo is a superficial inflammatory skin condition of the skin's flexural surfaces, prompted or irritated by warm temperatures, friction, moisture, maceration, and poor ventilation. Intertrigo's Latin translation, inter (between), and terere (to rub) helps explain the physiology of the condition. Intertrigo commonly becomes secondarily infected, notably with Candida; however, other viral or bacterial etiologies may play a factor in its pathogenesis. Intertrigo can be seen in all ages and is primarily a clinical diagnosis, with the frequently affected areas being the axilla, inframammary creases, abdominal folds, and perineum. Characteristically, the lesions are erythematous patches of various intensity with secondary lesions appearing as the condition progresses or is manipulated.
Ko te kupu " intertrigo " e pa ana ki te mate tuarua me te huakita (pērā i te Corynebacterium minutissimum), te harore (pēnei i te Candida albicans), te huaketo ranei. Ko te tino take ko te mate Candida.
Ka puta te intertrigo i nga waahi mahana me te makuku. Ko te tikanga, ko te intertrigo he nui ake i te hunga he ngoikore te punaha arai mate tae atu ki nga tamariki, nga kaumātua, me te hunga mate mate. Ka kitea ano te intertrigo i roto i nga tangata e pa ana ki te kore mimi me te heke o te kaha ki te neke.
○ Maimoatanga ― OTC Drugs
* OTC tarukino antifungal
Na te mea ko te Candida albicans te take tino noa, ka tohua te kaihoko antifungal i te nuinga o nga keehi.
#Butenafine [Lotrimin]
* OTC pūtaiaki
Ka taea te whakamahi tahi i nga steroids OTC ki te whakaiti i nga mate mate pāwera, i te mumura ranei.
#Hydrocortisone lotion