Melanocytic nevus - Nevus Melanocytic
Ko Nevus Melanocytic (Melanocytic nevus) he momo pukupuku melanocytic kei roto nga pūtau nevus. Ko te nuinga o nga nevi ka puta i roto i nga tau e rua tuatahi o te oranga o te tangata. Tata ki te kotahi i roto i ia 100 nga pepi ka whanau me te nevi. Ko te nevi kua riro he ahua o te neoplasm pai, engari ko te nevi whanau e kiia ana he iti te ahua kino, he hamartoma ranei, ka nui ake pea te mate mo te mate melanoma. He porowhita, he porotītaha ranei te nevus ngawari, he iti noa iho (i waenga i te 1-3 mm), ahakoa he nui ake etahi i te rahi o te komuru pene (5 mm). He makawe etahi nevi.

Ko te pokanga taiaho ka mahia hei tango i nga nevi iti. Mena he nui ake te rahi i te 4-5 mm, ka hiahiatia he tangohanga. I roto i nga tamariki nohinohi, ko te nevus nui ake i te 2 mm te rahi he uaua ki te tango katoa me te kore he nawe.
#CO2 laser
#Er-YAG laser
☆ I te 2022 Stiftung Warentest hua mai i Tiamana, he iti noa iho te pai o nga kaihoko ki a ModelDerm i nga korero mo te waea rongoa utu.
  • Nevus noa
  • Becker nevus ― Pakipaki; e tohuhia ana e te tipu o nga makawe i runga i te nevus.
  • Nevus of Ota ― He kikorangi te ahua na te hohonu o te waahi o nga pūtau nevus i te paparanga kiri. I roto i tenei take o te manawanui, ko te nevus kei runga i te conjunctiva. Ota nevus ka taea te tango ma te maimoatanga laser.
  • Compound nevus ― Reke. Ka taea e nga tohu whanau iti te tipu ki te nevi nui me te pakeke.
  • Intradermal nevus ― Te ahua o te nodule puta.
  • Nevus noa. Ko nga whakaahua e rua kei raro nei ko intradermal nevus, ko nga whakaahua e toru i runga ake nei ko junctional nevus.
  • Blue nevus ― Nā te hōhonutanga o ngā pūtau nevus, he kikorangi te ahua.
  • Intradermal nevus ― Ka kitea i runga i te mahunga.
  • Ko tenei pikitia e tohu ana he mate nevus. Heoi, mena he iti te whiu matua penei, kare pea e taea e te algorithm te tohu tika i te ahua.
References Effective Treatment of Congenital Melanocytic Nevus and Nevus Sebaceous Using the Pinhole Method with the Erbium-Doped Yttrium Aluminium Garnet Laser 25324667 
Ko te Congenital melanocytic nevus he nevus melanocytic ka puta mai i te whanautanga, ka puta mai ranei i nga waahanga whakamutunga o te kohungahunga. Ko te Nevus sebaceous kua kiia ko te waahi hamartomatous o te waeine pilosebaceous kua mate i te whanautanga. I konei, ka whakaahuahia me pehea te whakamahi i te tikanga pinhole me te Erbium:YAG laser ki te rongoa i nga mate nevi i roto i nga turoro rereke.
Congenital melanocytic nevus (CMN) is a melanocytic nevus that is either present at birth or appears during the latter stages of infancy. Nevus sebaceous has been described as the hamartomatous locus of an embryologically defective pilosebaceous unit. Here, we describe how we used the pinhole technique with an erbium-doped yttrium aluminium garnet (erbium : YAG) laser to treat nevi lesions in different patients.
 Malignant Melanoma 29262210 
Ko te melanoma he momo pukupuku ka puta ina mate pukupuku nga melanocytes, nga pūtau e pa ana ki te tae kiri. Ko nga melanocytes i ahu mai i te kohanga neural. Ko te tikanga ka tupu te melanomas ehara i te kiri anake engari i etahi atu waahi ka heke nga pūtau neural crest, penei i te kohanga whekau me te roro. Ko te reeti oranga mo nga turoro melanoma moata (waahanga 0) he teitei ki te 97%, engari ka tino heke iho ki te 10% mo te hunga kua pangia e te mate o mua (waahanga IV) .
A melanoma is a tumor produced by the malignant transformation of melanocytes. Melanocytes are derived from the neural crest; consequently, melanomas, although they usually occur on the skin, can arise in other locations where neural crest cells migrate, such as the gastrointestinal tract and brain. The five-year relative survival rate for patients with stage 0 melanoma is 97%, compared with about 10% for those with stage IV disease.