Ko te Nevus depigmentosus he ngaronga o te poaka i roto i te kiri ka ngawari te rereke mai i te vitiligo. Ko te rahi o te rahi ka rite ki te tipu o te tinana. Kaore i rite ki te vitiligo, he papanga hypopigmented kore whakamua.
Ko te hunga e pa ana ki te nevus depigmentosus ka kaha ki te wera i te ra i runga i te kore o te purakau, me whakamahi te turoro i te whakamarumaru ra. Ko te nuinga o nga turoro he nevus depigmentosus karekau e mate ki te rongoa i te whiu.
Ko te Nevus depigmentosus he ahua kiri kua tohuhia e te papaki marama me te mata koretake. He maha nga wa ka puta mai i te whanautanga, i muri tata ranei. Ko te pokanga me te whakamaarama marama nga maimoatanga matua i akohia. Nevus depigmentosus is a skin condition marked by a light patch with an uneven edge. It often appears at birth or soon after. Surgery and light therapy are the main treatments studied.
Ko te tātaritanga o nga turoro me te nevus depigmentosus ko te wehewehe mai i te nevus anemicus, pityriasis alba, tuberous sclerosis complex, and vitiligo. The diagnosis of patients with nevus depigmentosus involved distinguishing it from nevus anemicus, pityriasis alba, tuberous sclerosis complex, and vitiligo.
Ko te hunga e pa ana ki te nevus depigmentosus ka kaha ki te wera i te ra i runga i te kore o te purakau, me whakamahi te turoro i te whakamarumaru ra. Ko te nuinga o nga turoro he nevus depigmentosus karekau e mate ki te rongoa i te whiu.