Ko te Onycholysis he mate hauora noa e tohuhia ana e te wehenga kore mamae o te whao mai i te moenga nail.

Onycholysis ka puta i nga ahuatanga maha, tae atu ki te psoriasis. I roto i te thyrotoxicosis, e kiia ana na te ngoikore o te ngakau. Ka kitea ano i roto i nga mate, i nga whara ranei.

I puta mai he purongo mo te inu wai karoti ia ra ka taea te rongoa i te onycholysis.

☆ I te 2022 Stiftung Warentest hua mai i Tiamana, he iti noa iho te pai o nga kaihoko ki a ModelDerm i nga korero mo te waea rongoa utu.
  • He tane 34-tau te pakeke he mowhiti me ona maihao iti. Ehara i te mate harore.
  • Angamaheni Onycholysis ― Ko te tikanga maimoatanga ngawari ko te tango i nga kai ki te karotene, penei i te wai karoti, mo nga turoro me te onychodystrophy idiopathic mau tonu.
References Nail pitting and onycholysis 27052048
He tangata 43 tau te pakeke, he pai te hauora o mua, i tukuna ki te tari kiri kiri na te mea kua pangia ona matikuku e te harore mo te tau kotahi. Ahakoa i muri i te tango i nga pire antifungal (terbinafine 250 mg) , kaore i pai ake tona ahua. I te wa o te tirotiro, ka kitea e nga taote nga rua iti me te wehenga o nga whao i roto i ona maihao e whitu. He wahi whero, kirikiri i tona taringa maui, he paku paku ki runga i tona mahunga, na reira ka paku te mahunga. Karekau he mate kiri i kitea.
A 43-year-old man, previously in good health, was sent to the dermatology department because his fingernails had been infected with a fungus for a year. Even after taking antifungal pills (terbinafine 250 mg), his condition didn't improve. During the check-up, the doctors found small holes and separation of the nails in seven of his fingers. He also had some red, scaly patches in his left ear and a bit of dandruff on his scalp, which made his head itch slightly. There weren't any other skin issues noticed.