Pitted keratolysishttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pitted_keratolysis
☆ I te 2022 Stiftung Warentest hua mai i Tiamana, he iti noa iho te pai o nga kaihoko ki a ModelDerm i nga korero mo te waea rongoa utu. He kapu o te waewae me nga rua kino maha
Ka haere tahi me te haunga kino na nga momo Corynebacterium.
relevance score : -100.0%
References Pitted keratolysis - Case reports 35855037 NIH
Ko te Pitted Keratolysis he kupu e whakamahia ana hei whakaahua i te mate kiri huakita taumata-mata e pa ana ki nga kapu o nga waewae kaua ki nga nikau. I te nuinga o nga wa ka puta mai tenei ahuatanga na te huakita penei i te Kytococcus sedentarius me nga momo Corynebacterium. Ko te nuinga o nga wa ka pa ki nga taangata 21 ki te 30 tau, ko te nuinga ka pa ki te 20, 30 ranei. E wha nga wa ka nui ake te mate o nga tane ki te whakawhanake i tenei ahuatanga, na te mea he maha nga wa e mau ana i nga hu kikii, kua kati, engari ko nga wahine ka pai ake te noho akuaku o nga waewae. I konei, ka whakaatuhia e matou te keehi o tetahi turoro 23-tau te pakeke i tae mai ki to matou hohipera e amuamu ana mo nga whiu kiri i raro i o ratou waewae, ko te nuinga kei te taha o nga matimati, kua tae mai i nga ra e toru kua hipa.
Pitted Keratolysis is a descriptive title for a superficial bacterial skin infection that affects the soles of the foot, less frequently, the palms confined to the stratum corneum. The etiology is often attributes due to Kytococcus sedentarius and Corynebacterium species bacteria. Pitted keratolysis is most common in the age group of 21 to 30 years, with a majority of affected patients in their 1st to 4th decade of life. Males are at 4 times higher risk of being susceptible to this condition, presumably, due to frequent use of occlusive footwear, whereas females maintain better foot hygiene. We present a case of a 23-year-old medical intern who presented to our hospital with complaints of pitted skin lesion over base of foot, predominantly over toes for past 3 days.
Pitted keratolysis - Case reports 26982791 NIH
Ko te Pitted keratolysis he mate kiri e pa ana ki te paparanga o waho o te kapu, na te huakita. Ko tetahi taangata 30-tau te pakeke he paku iti, kua werohia i runga i tona kapu. I raro i te whakanuinga teitei ake (x 3,500) , ka tino kitea te huakita i runga i te mata, e whakaatu ana i tetahi tauira motuhake o te wehenga huakita.
Pitted keratolysis is a skin disorder that affects the stratum corneum of the plantar surface and is caused by Gram-positive bacteria. A 30-year-old male presented with small punched-out lesions on the plantar surface. A superficial shaving was carried out for scanning electron microscopy. Hypokeratosis was noted on the plantar skin and in the acrosyringium, where the normal elimination of corneocytes was not seen. At higher magnification (x 3,500) bacteria were easily found on the surface and the described transversal bacterial septation was observed.
He ahua noa tenei ahuatanga, ina koa i roto i nga hoia kei te mau hu makuku/putu mo nga wa roa kaore e tangohia/horoia. I te nuinga o nga wa ka mahia te tohu o te keratolysis pitted ma te tirotiro ataata me te mohio ki te ahua o te kakara. Ko te maimoatanga o te keratolysis pitted me tono te paturopi ki te kiri penei i te benzoyl peroxide, clindamycin, erythromycin, waikawa fusidic, mupirocin ranei. Ko nga mahi aukati kia maroke nga waewae.
○ Maimoatanga ― OTC Drugs
Kia maroke o waewae me o tokena i nga wa katoa. Whakamātauria he hinu paturopi OTC. Ma te whakamahi i te horoi horoi ringa ki o waewae ka awhina ano.