Seborrheic dermatitis - Dermatitis Seborrheic
Ko te Dermatitis Seborrheic (Seborrheic dermatitis) he mate kiri mau tonu. Ko nga tohu ko te whero, te kirikiri, te hinuhinu, te mamae, me te kiri mumura. Ko nga waahi o te kiri e whai kiko ana i nga repe whakangao hinu ka pa ki te mahunga, te kanohi, me te uma. I roto i nga kohungahunga, i te wa e uru nui ana te mahunga. Ko te pakipaki he ahua ngawari o te ahua kaore he mumura. Ko te seborrheic dermatitis kaore i te hopuhopu.

Ko te maimoatanga angamaheni ko te kirīmi antifungal me nga kaihoko anti-inflammatory. Inaa, he whai hua te ketoconazole, ciclopirox ranei.

Ko te mate ka tino kitea i roto i nga kohungahunga i roto i te 3 marama tuatahi, i nga pakeke ranei 30 ki te 70 tau. I nga pakeke kei waenga i te 1% me te 10% o nga tangata ka pa. He maha ake nga mate o nga tane i nga wahine.

Maimoatanga ― OTC Drugs
Ka kaha haere te kino i te wa e uaua ana, e taumaha ana. Kia okioki me te whakamahi i te shampoo anti-dandruff ia ra.
#Ciclopirox shampoo
#Ketoconazole shampoo
#Fluocinolone shampoo
#Pyrithione zinc shampoo
#Selenium sulfide shampoo

Hoatuhia nga steroids OTC mo te wa poto noa ki nga waahi kiri. Kia mohio koe ko te tono nui rawa o te pūtaiaki ki te kiri ka puta he paanga-taha penei i te folliculitis.
#Hydrocortisone cream
☆ I te 2022 Stiftung Warentest hua mai i Tiamana, he iti noa iho te pai o nga kaihoko ki a ModelDerm i nga korero mo te waea rongoa utu.
  • Ka puta i waenganui i te ihu me te waha, a ko te taha o te ihu me te waahi glabellar he waahi noa.
  • Dermatitis Seborrheic (Seborrheic dermatitis) i runga i te mahunga
  • Te ahua whakapeka o Dermatitis Seborrheic (Seborrheic dermatitis) i runga i te mahunga
  • Ko te mahunga me te taitapa o te mahunga he waahi noa o Dermatitis Seborrheic (Seborrheic dermatitis).
  • Kohungahunga 2 marama te pakeke. He mate noa e kitea ana i roto i nga whanau hou.
References Diagnosis and Treatment of Seborrheic Dermatitis 25822272
Ko te Seborrheic dermatitis he mate kiri noa ka pa ki nga tangata o nga reanga katoa, mai i nga pepi ki nga pakeke. Ko ona tohu matua ko te pahekeheke, te whero, me te weriweri, te nuinga o te wa ka puta ki te mahunga, ki te mata, ki te uma, ki muri, ki raro, me te papa. Ka whakatauhia e nga taakuta i runga i te waahi me te ahua o te kiri. E whakaponohia ana ka puta tenei ahuatanga i te wa e pa ana te kiri ki te rewena e kiia nei ko Malassezia ma te mumura. Ko te maimoatanga tuatahi ko te whakamahi i nga rongoa antifungal penei i te ketoconazole ki nga waahi kua pa. Heoi, na te mea ka pa mai enei rongoa i etahi wa, ka kii nga taakuta ki te whakamahi i nga maimoatanga anti-inflammatory penei i te corticosteroids me te aukati calcineurin mo nga wa poto anake. He maha ano nga shampoos i runga i te kaute e waatea ana mo te rongoa scalp seborrheic dermatitis , he maha nga wa ka tohutohuhia nga turoro ki te timata. Mena karekau enei e whai hua, ka whakaaro pea nga taote ki te whakamahi i nga shampoos antifungal mo te wa roa, he corticosteroids mo te wa poto mo nga ahuatanga o te mahunga pakeke.
Seborrheic dermatitis is a common skin condition that affects people of all ages, from babies to adults. Its main symptoms include flaking, redness, and itching, usually appearing on the scalp, face, chest, back, underarms, and groin. Doctors typically diagnose it based on where and how the skin looks. This condition is believed to occur when the skin reacts to a yeast called Malassezia by becoming inflamed. The primary treatment involves using antifungal medications like ketoconazole applied to the affected areas. However, because these medications can sometimes have side effects, doctors recommend using anti-inflammatory treatments like corticosteroids and calcineurin inhibitors only for short periods. There are also many over-the-counter shampoos available for treating scalp seborrheic dermatitis, which patients are often advised to start with. If these don't work, doctors may suggest using antifungal shampoos for a longer duration or short-term corticosteroids for stubborn scalp conditions.
 Seborrheic Dermatitis 31869171 
Ko te Seborrheic dermatitis (SD) he mate kiri noa e hua ana te mumura, he maha nga wa ka puta he papa kirikiri ki nga waahi he maha nga repe hinu, penei i te mahunga, te mata, me nga kopa kiri. E rua nga momo matua: infantile (ISD) me adult (ASD) . Ko te tikanga karekau nga pepi e tino mate i te SD, engari ka awangawanga nga maatua ina kite ratou i nga unahi matotoru, hinuhinu ki te mahunga o te peepi. I te nuinga o nga wa ka puta i nga marama tuatahi e toru o te oranga, he ahua ngawari, he maha nga wa ka puta i a ia ano i te ra whanau tuatahi. I tetahi atu taha, ko te ASD kei te haere mai me te haere, ka pa ki te kounga o te oranga e rite ana ki te mate ngongo me te mate paopao.
Seborrheic dermatitis (SD) is a common inflammatory skin disease presenting with a papulosquamous morphology in areas rich in sebaceous glands, particularly the scalp, face, and body folds. The infantile (ISD) and adult (ASD) variants reflect the condition’s bimodal occurrence. Infants are not usually troubled by seborrheic dermatitis, but it may cause significant parental anxiety, often appearing as firm, greasy scales on the crown and frontal regions of the scalp. It occurs in the first three months of life and is mild,self-limiting, and resolving spontaneously in most cases by the first year of life. ASD, on the other hand, is characterized by a relapsing and remitting pattern of disease and is ranked third behind atopic and contact dermatitis for its potential to impair the quality of life.