Steatocystoma multiplex
Ko te Steatocystoma multiplex he mate whakawhanau tino pai, autosomal e hua ana te maha o nga kirikiri ki te tinana o te tangata. He iti te nuinga (2–20 mm) engari he maha pea henimita te whanui. He ngawari ki te whakau i nga putunga ahua-whakawhiti, he wai kowhai kowhai kei roto.

Ko te timatanga i te wa e pakeke ana na te whakaihiihi hormonal o te waeine pilosebaceous. Ko te nuinga o nga wa ka ara ake i runga i te uma, ka puta ano pea ki te puku, ki nga ringaringa o runga, ki nga kaokao me te kanohi. I etahi wa ka tupu pea te kirikiri puta noa i te tinana.

☆ I te 2022 Stiftung Warentest hua mai i Tiamana, he iti noa iho te pai o nga kaihoko ki a ModelDerm i nga korero mo te waea rongoa utu.
  • Ina kitea ki te ringa, ki te kaki ranei, ka puta he kooteone iti, he uaua, he kiri-a-roto e kore e kitea.
    References Steatocystoma Multiplex 38283021 
    Steatocystoma multiplex (SM) , e mohiotia ana ko te steatocystomatosis, te mate polycystic epidermal ranei, he ahua onge me te ngawari o te kiri e whakaatuhia ana e te maha o nga kirikiri sebaceous intradermal he rereke te rahi. I roto i te haumanu, ka puta te SM he maha, he maeneene, he pakari, he kapoipoi me te kapoke, he maha nga wa kaore he tohu. Ko enei patunga he porowhita me te riterite te rahi, mai i te torutoru mitamano ki te henemita te whanui. He kowhai pea kei runga i te mata, ko nga mea hohonu ka rite ki te tae kiri. Ko te wai i roto i enei kiri he kore kakara, he hinuhinu, he rereke nga tohu o te marama me te tae. Kaore i te rite ki nga kiri o te kiri, karekau he tuwhera i waenganui o te kiri kei runga i te kiri. Ka taea e SM te tipu ki nga waahi katoa o te tinana engari ka kitea i nga rohe he nui nga repe hinu me nga makawe makawe, penei i te katua, te kaki, te mahunga, nga papa, nga ringa, nga waewae, me te waahi.
    Steatocystoma multiplex (SM, also known as steatocystomatosis, sebocystomatosis, or epidermal polycystic disease) is a rare benign intradermal true sebaceous cyst of various sizes. Clinically, SM presents as asymptomatic, numerous, round, smooth, firm, mobile, cystic papules, and nodules. The lesions are uniform, with a size of a few millimeters to centimeters along the long axis. The superficial lesions are yellowish, and deeper lesions tend to be skin-colored. The fluid in SM is odorless, oily, clear or opaque, milky or yellow. The overlying epidermal skin is often normal, with no central punctum. SM can occur anywhere in the body but is more frequently seen in areas rich in pilosebaceous units such as the trunk (especially the presternal region), neck, scalp, axilla, proximal extremities, and inguinal region.
     Steatocystoma multiplex - Case reports 14594591
    I uru mai tetahi taangata 25-tau te pakeke me te mate kiri i runga i ona ringa, uma, me tona puku. Kua 20 tau ia e mau ana i te kapia kore mamae, ka timata i runga i tona uma ka horapa ki ona ringa i roto i nga tau 7 kua hipa.
    A 25-year-old man came in with a skin condition on his arms, chest, and abdomen. He had been with painless lumps for 20 years, starting on his chest and spreading to his arms over the past 7 years.