Ko te Syringoma he pukupuku ngongo ngongo werawera eccrine, e kitea ana kei runga i nga kamo. He u te tae kiri, he kowhai ranei, he pupuhi porotaka, 1-3 mm te whanui, ka pohehe pea ki te xanthoma, milia, hidrocystoma, trichoepithelioma, me xanthelasma. He nui ake i roto i nga wahine, ka kitea i roto i nga wahine Ahia waenga-pakeke. Ko te tikanga karekau e hono ki etahi atu tohu.

#Pinhole technique (Erbium or CO2 laser)
☆ I te 2022 Stiftung Warentest hua mai i Tiamana, he iti noa iho te pai o nga kaihoko ki a ModelDerm i nga korero mo te waea rongoa utu.
  • Syringoma kua tohua e nga porowhita ma; Ko te nuinga o nga wa ka pa mai tenei momo whiu ki nga wahine kei te 40 me te 50 tau. Ko te maimoatanga laser (pinhole method) ka whai hua ki te whakapai ake i te ahua o te whiu.
    References Cutaneous Syringoma: A Clinicopathologic Study of 34 New Cases and Review of the Literature 23919023 
    Toru tekau ma wha nga turoro i wehea kia rua nga roopu (localized and generalized syringoma) . Ko te nuinga o nga turoro he wahine, e iwa tekau ma whitu paiheneti, he 28 tau te toharite. I mua i te rapu maimoatanga, kua noho nga patunga mo te toharite mo te ono tau. Ko te Generalized syringoma te nuinga o te pa ki te uma me te kaki, katahi ka pa ki nga ringaringa, ko te localized syringoma te nuinga ka kitea ki te mata, ki te tuaka, ki te waahi ira.
    Thirty-four patients were sorted into two groups, localized and generalized syringoma, according to the Friedman and Butler classification. Ninety-seven percent of the patients were females with the mean age of 27.6 years. The mean duration of the lesions before the presentations was six years. Distribution of the generalized syringoma was mainly in the chest and neck followed by the forearms whereas localized syringoma was mostly confined to the face, axilla and genitalia.
     Syringoma: A Clinicopathologic and Immunohistologic Study and Results of Treatment 17326243 
    Ko ta matou rangahau i whai ki te whakaahua i nga ahuatanga haumanu me te histopathological o nga turoro e ono tekau ma tahi kua pangia e te syringoma i roto i te wha tau i to matou whare haumanu kiri i Korea. I kitea e matou ko te syringoma te nuinga o nga wahine i pa ki nga wahine, me te owehenga o te 6. 6 wahine ki te 1 tane, me te nuinga o nga wa ka puta i roto i nga tau tuarua me te toru o te oranga i roto i te neke atu i te haurua o nga turoro. Ko nga kamo (71%) te waahi i pangia nuitia, a ko te nuinga he kiri kiri (49%) nga whiu. I kite matou i te ahua rite ki te tadpole i roto i te 56% o nga keehi. He nui ake te ahua o te hakihaki kiri i roto i nga whiu parauri, i te mea he nui ake te fibrosis i roto i nga reinga erythematous. I tua atu, he iti noa iho nga kirikiri keratin i nga keehi e pa ana ki te waahi ira.
    The purpose of our study was to describe clinical and histopathological features of sixty one patients with histological diagnosis of syringoma over four year period in our dermatology clinic in Korea. Female:male ratio was 6.6:1 with onset of age during 2nd and 3rd decades in more than half of the patients in our study. The most frequently involved site was eyelids (43 cases, 70.5%) and the most common color of lesion was skin-color (30 cases, 49.2%). In 34 cases, characteristic tad-pole appearances (55.7%) were observed. Basal hyperpigmentation was observed more frequently in brown-colored lesion (p=0.005). Fibrosis was observed more frequently in erythematous lesion (p=0.033). Keratin cyst was observed less frequently in genital involved group (p=0.006).
     Evaluation of the Pinhole Method Using Carbon Dioxide Laser on Facial Telangiectasia 37109186 
    [Pinhole technique] - CO2 te maimoatanga taiaho ma te whakamahi i te tikanga pinhole ki te hamani i te telangiectasias kanohi he maimoatanga haumaru, iti, me te whai hua e whakarato ana i nga turoro ki te tino pai o te rerehua.
    [Pinhole technique] - CO2 laser treatment using the pinhole method to treat facial telangiectasias is a safe, inexpensive, and effective treatment that provides patients with excellent aesthetic satisfaction.