Dermal melanosis☆ Fir-riżultati ta' Stiftung Warentest tal-2022 mill-Ġermanja, is-sodisfazzjon tal-konsumatur b'ModelDerm kien biss ftit inqas milli b'konsultazzjonijiet bit-telemediċina mħallsa. relevance score : -100.0%
References Optimizing Q-switched lasers for melasma and acquired dermal melanoses 30027914Il-lejżer Q-switched Nd:YAG huwa trattament magħruf għal tikek pigmentati tal-ġilda, kemm fuq il-wiċċ kif ukoll saffi aktar profondi. Normalment, bosta sessjonijiet huma meħtieġa għal riżultati tajbin. L-użu ta' low-energy Q-switched 1064nm Nd:YAG laser (multi-pass technique and larger spot size) ġie propost bħala mod biex tittratta l-melasma.
The Q-switched Nd:YAG laser is a well-known treatment for pigmented skin spots, both on the surface and deeper layers. Usually, several sessions are required for good results. Using a low-energy Q-switched 1064nm Nd:YAG laser (multi-pass technique and larger spot size) has been proposed as a way to treat melasma.
Dermal Melanocytosis 32491340 NIH
Congenital dermal melanocytosis hija magħrufa wkoll bħala post Mongoljan. Huwa tip komuni ta 'marka tat-twelid li tidher fi trabi tat-twelid. Jidher bħala irqajja griż-blu fuq il-ġilda mit-twelid jew ftit wara. Dawn il-marki jinstabu tipikament fuq in-naħa t'isfel tad-dahar u l-warrani, bl-ispallejn ikunu l-post komuni li jmiss. Huma aktar frekwenti fi trabi Asjatiċi u Iswed, u jaffettwaw kemm is-subien kif ukoll il-bniet bl-istess mod. Normalment, jisparixxu waħedhom sa l-età ta '1 sa 6 snin u ġeneralment ma jeħtieġu l-ebda trattament peress li huma l-aktar li ma jagħmlux ħsara.
Congenital dermal melanocytosis, also known as Mongolian spot or slate gray nevus, is one of many frequently encountered newborn pigmented lesions. It is a type of dermal melanocytosis, which presents as gray-blue areas of discoloration from birth or shortly thereafter. Congenital dermal melanocytosis is most commonly located in the lumbar and sacral-gluteal region, followed by shoulders in frequency. They most commonly occur in Asian and Black patients, affect both genders equally, and commonly fade by age 1 to 6 years old. Congenital dermal melanocytoses are usually benign and do not require treatment.