Ekżema Infantili (Infantile eczema) hija kundizzjoni allerġika komuni, li ġeneralment timmanifesta ruħha bejn it-twelid u l-ħames età.
○ Trattament - Drogi OTC Moisturizers normalment jistgħu jintużaw waqt li jiġu osservati s-sintomi. Jekk is-sintomi tiegħek huma severi, tista 'tiġi ppruvata lotion OTC hydrocortisone. #Eucerin #Cetaphil #Hydrocortisone lotion
Atopic dermatitis (AD), also known as atopic eczema, is a long-term type of inflammation of the skin (dermatitis). It results in itchy, red, swollen, and cracked skin. Clear fluid may come from the affected areas, which often thickens over time. While the condition may occur at any age, it typically starts in childhood, with changing severity over the years. In children under one year of age, much of the body may be affected. As children get older, the areas on the insides of the knees and elbows are most commonly affected. In adults, the hands and feet are most commonly affected.
☆ Fir-riżultati ta' Stiftung Warentest tal-2022 mill-Ġermanja, is-sodisfazzjon tal-konsumatur b'ModelDerm kien biss ftit inqas milli b'konsultazzjonijiet bit-telemediċina mħallsa.
Dermatite atopika fuq it-titkemmex ta 'ġewwa tal-minkeb.
Dermatite tal-kuntatt irritanti fuq iż-żona perioral.
○ Trattament - Drogi OTC
Moisturizers normalment jistgħu jintużaw waqt li jiġu osservati s-sintomi. Jekk is-sintomi tiegħek huma severi, tista 'tiġi ppruvata lotion OTC hydrocortisone.
#Hydrocortisone lotion