Becker nevus's_nevus
Becker nevus ndi matenda akhungu omwe amakhudza kwambiri amuna. Nevus nthawi zambiri imawonekera panthawi yakutha msinkhu. Imayamba kuoneka ngati mtundu wosakhazikika pamphuno kapena kumtunda kwa mkono, ndipo imakula mosakhazikika, imakhuthala ndipo nthawi zambiri imakhala yaubweya (hypertrichosis).

Tsitsi lomwe limakutidwa ndi nevus limatha kuchotsedwa ndi laser. Komabe, chifukwa cha kuchuluka kwa kubwereza, ndizosatheka kuchotsa nevi ndi lasers.

☆ Muzotsatira za 2022 Stiftung Warentest zochokera ku Germany, kukhutitsidwa kwa ogula ndi ModelDerm kunali kotsika pang'ono kusiyana ndi kuyankhulana kwa telemedicine komwe kulipiridwa.
  • Imadziwika ndi nevus yayikulu yokhala ndi tsitsi lochulukirapo mderali.
  • Chithandizo cha laser chingakhale chovuta chifukwa cha kuchuluka kwa pigmentation kosalekeza.
References Becker’s nevus - Case reports 35519166 
Becker nevus , yomwe imatchedwanso Becker melanosis, ndi khungu labwino. Zitha kuwoneka kuyambira kubadwa kapena kukula pambuyo pake, zomwe zimayambitsa zigamba pakhungu kapena popanda tsitsi. Ndi zachilendo ndipo zimakhudza amuna. Malo omwe akhudzidwa nthawi zambiri amadetsedwa pakapita nthawi, ndipo tsitsi lochulukirapo limamera pamenepo. Wodwala wazaka 29 wa transgender adabwera ndi zigamba zakuda pakhungu zomwe zidayamba ali ndi zaka 15 ngati mawanga ang'onoang'ono. M’kupita kwa nthaŵi, mawangawa anakula kukhala zigamba zazikulu. Atawayeza anaonetsa zigamba zakuda zokhala ndi tsitsi kumanja kwa pachifuwa, phewa, msana, ndi kumtunda kwa mkono, lokhala ndi m'mbali mosiyanasiyana.
Becker's nevus is also known as Becker melanosis. It is a benign lesion which can be presented as congenital or acquired with hairless or hypertrichotic lesions. It's a rare case which affects mainly male individuals. It is often pigmented and gets darker by time and excessive hair growth can be seen over it. A 29-year-old transgender patient presented with hyperpigmentation with the lesion which started at the age of 15 as a small hyperpigmented macule. The lesion increased gradually to form giant patches. On examination a right-side hyperpigmentation involving the anterior chest, shoulder, scapular region, upper arm with hypertrichosis and irregular margins.
 Lasers for Becker’s Nevus 30762191 
Becker's nevus ndi khungu lodziwika bwino lomwe limadziwika ndi chigamba chokhala ndi tsitsi lowonjezera mbali imodzi ya thupi. Nthawi zambiri amathandizidwa ndi ma laser, ngakhale njira zina zilipo. Mitundu yosiyanasiyana ya lasers yakhala ikugwiritsidwa ntchito, kaya yokha kapena palimodzi, yokhala ndi kutalika kwa 504 mpaka 10,600 nm ndi magawo kuyambira 1 mpaka 12. Zotsatira zimasiyana, koma kuphatikiza ma lasers ndi mafunde osiyanasiyana amawoneka bwino. Zotsatira zoyipa nthawi zambiri zimakhala zofiira pang'ono mpaka pang'ono. Ngakhale ma lasers nthawi zambiri amakhala otetezeka, amapereka mphamvu zolimbitsa (osati zabwino) kwa nevus ya Becker.
Becker's nevus is a common pigmented dermatosis, usually featured by ipsilateral pigmented patch with hypertrichosis. Becker's nevus is often treated with various types of lasers although other regimens are available. A variety of lasers had been used alone or in combination to treat Becker's nevus. Laser wavelengths used for Becker's nevus ranged from 504 to 10,600 nm, while the number of treatment varied from 1 to 12 sessions. The clinical outcomes were mixed although combination of lasers with different wavelengths appeared to achieve a better efficacy. Adverse effects were usually mild to moderate erythema. While lasers are relatively safe, their efficacy for Becker's nevus is moderate.