Confluent reticulated papillomatosis ndi yachilendo koma yodziwika bwino yopezeka ndi ichthyosiform dermatosis yodziwika ndi zigamba zosalekeza zakuda, zotupa zomwe zimakonda kupezeka makamaka pakati pa thunthu. Matendawa amatha kuthandizidwa ndi Minocycline.
Confluent and reticulated papillomatosis of Gougerot and Carteaud is an uncommon but distinctive acquired ichthyosiform dermatosis characterized by persistent dark, scaly, papules and plaques that tend to be localized predominantly on the central trunk.
☆ Muzotsatira za 2022 Stiftung Warentest zochokera ku Germany, kukhutitsidwa kwa ogula ndi ModelDerm kunali kotsika pang'ono kusiyana ndi kuyankhulana kwa telemedicine komwe kulipiridwa.
Confluent and reticulated papillomatosis (CRP) , yomwe imatchedwanso Gougerot-Carteaud syndrome, imabwera chifukwa chakukula kwa maselo akhungu. Zimawoneka ngati mawanga amdima osapweteka omwe amatha kuphatikizana kukhala zigamba zazikulu, nthawi zambiri zimawonekera pachifuwa ndi khosi la achinyamata ndi achikulire. Chisankho choyambirira cha mankhwala ndi minocycline. Confluent and reticulated papillomatosis (CRP), also known as Gougerot-Carteaud syndrome, is caused by disordered keratinization. It presents with asymptomatic hyperpigmented papules that can coalesce into plaques and are typically located on the upper trunk and neck of teens and young adults. First-line treatment is oral 'minocycline'.
CRP nthawi zambiri imawoneka ngati mawanga akuda ndi zigamba popanda zizindikiro pakhungu kuzungulira khosi, m'khwapa, pachifuwa chapamwamba, ndi kumtunda kumbuyo. Nthawi zina, imatha kufalikira mpaka pamphumi ndikupita kudera la pubic. Maantibayotiki ngati minocycline akhala njira yabwino yopangira chithandizo. CRP typically presents as asymptomatic hyperpigmented papules and plaques with peripheral reticulation over the nape, axillae, upper chest, and upper back, occasionally with extension superior to the forehead and inferior to the pubic region. Antibiotics, such as 'minocycline', at anti-inflammatory doses have emerged as a preferred therapeutic option.
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