Hand eczema - Dzanja Chikangahttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hand_eczema
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References Hand eczema: an update 22960812Hand eczema , chimodzi mwazofala kwambiri za khungu zomwe zimakhudza manja, ndi mtundu wofala kwambiri wa matenda a khungu okhudzana ndi ntchito. Nthawi zambiri, milandu yowopsa yokha ndiyomwe imapezeka m'zipatala za dermatology, popeza odwala nthawi zambiri safuna thandizo la dermatitis yamanja. Milandu yocheperako nthawi zambiri imadziwika panthawi yowunika ntchito. Eczema ya manja imatha kukhala yokhalitsa, kupitilirabe ngakhale mutapewa kukhudzana ndi chinthu chomwe chimayambitsa. Zomwe zimayambitsa chikanga m'manja zimaphatikizapo mbiri ya munthu kapena banja la atopy, kuwonekera kunyowa, komanso kukhudzana ndi zowawa. Kafukufuku akuwonetsa kuchuluka kwa chikanga m'manja mwa amayi, makamaka azimayi achichepere azaka zawo za makumi awiri, mwina chifukwa cha chilengedwe.
Hand eczema, one of the most common skin conditions affecting the hands, is also the most common type of skin disease related to work. Typically, only severe cases are diagnosed in dermatology clinics, as patients seldom seek help for early hand dermatitis. Mild cases are usually identified during routine occupational screenings. Hand eczema can become a long-lasting condition, persisting even after avoiding contact with the substance that triggers it. Key risk factors for hand eczema include a personal or family history of atopy, exposure to wet conditions, and contact with allergens. Studies show a higher prevalence of hand eczema among women, especially younger women in their twenties, likely due to environmental factors.
Hand eczema 24891648 NIH
Hand eczema ndi khungu lokhalitsa chifukwa cha zinthu zambiri. Nthawi zambiri zimagwirizanitsidwa ndi ntchito kapena ntchito zapakhomo. Kupeza chifukwa chenichenicho kungakhale kovuta. M'kupita kwa nthawi, matendawa amatha kukhala ovuta kwambiri ndipo amalepheretsa odwala ambiri. Pafupifupi 2-10% ya anthu amatha kudwala chikanga m'manja nthawi ina. Zikuwoneka kuti ndilo vuto lalikulu la khungu kuntchito, kupanga 9-35% ya matenda onse okhudzana ndi ntchito.
Hand eczema is often a chronic, multifactorial disease. It is usually related to occupational or routine household activities. Exact etiology of the disease is difficult to determine. It may become severe enough and disabling to many of patients in course of time. An estimated 2-10% of population is likely to develop hand eczema at some point of time during life. It appears to be the most common occupational skin disease, comprising 9-35% of all occupational diseases and up to 80% or more of all occupational contact dermatitis.
Nthawi zambiri, kutupa kwa khungu komwe kumalumikizidwa ndi dzanja chikanga (hand eczema) kumayendera limodzi ndi kupanga matuza komanso kumveka koyabwa, koma ma calluse olimba komanso kung'amba kowawa kumatha kuchitika.
Chifukwa chimodzi sichichitika kawirikawiri pa chitukuko cha dzanja chikanga (hand eczema) odwala.: zinthu zachilengedwe monga kusamba m'manja kwambiri; kukhudzana ndi allergens kapena irritants; ndi chibadwa.
dzanja chikanga (hand eczema) ndi matenda ofala: zowerengera za kafukufuku zikuwonetsa kufalikira kwa chaka chimodzi mpaka 10% mwa anthu wamba.
○ Chithandizo ― OTC Mankhwala
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Ngati zizindikiro zili zowopsa, kumwa antihistamine ya OTC tsiku lililonse kungathandizenso.
#Cetirizine [Zytec]
#Diphenhydramine [Benadryl]
#LevoCetirizine [Xyzal]
#Fexofenadine [Allegra]
#Loratadine [Claritin]
Ikani maantibayotiki a OTC ngati chotupacho chikupweteka.