☆ Muzotsatira za 2022 Stiftung Warentest zochokera ku Germany, kukhutitsidwa kwa ogula ndi ModelDerm kunali kotsika pang'ono kusiyana ndi kuyankhulana kwa telemedicine komwe kulipiridwa. Axillary Intertrigo
Dzenje la mkono Intertrigo
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References The diagnosis, management and prevention of intertrigo in adults: a review 37405940Intertrigo ndi matenda apakhungu omwe amayamba chifukwa cha kusisita pakati pa makutu a pakhungu, makamaka chifukwa cha chinyezi chomwe chimakhala ndi mpweya wochepa. Zitha kuchitika kulikonse kumene khungu limakhudza kwambiri.
Intertrigo is a frequent skin disease triggered by rubbing between skin folds, typically due to trapped moisture from limited air flow. It can happen wherever skin surfaces touch closely.
Intertrigo and Common Secondary Skin Infections 16156342Intertrigo ndi matenda akamakwinya pakhungu chifukwa chopakana. Ndi nkhani yofala yomwe imakhudza madera omwe khungu limakhudza khungu kapena mucous nembanemba. Kwa ana, imatha kuwoneka ngati zotupa za thewera. Zimachitika m'mikwingwirima yachilengedwe komanso m'makwinya opangidwa ndi kunenepa kwambiri. Kukangana m'malo awa kumatha kuyambitsa zovuta monga matenda a bakiteriya kapena mafangasi. Njira yanthawi zonse yoyendetsera intertrigo ndikuchepetsa chinyezi ndi kukangana pogwiritsa ntchito ufa ngati chimanga kapena zotchingira zopaka. Odwala ayenera kuvala zovala zotayirira, zopumira komanso kupewa zinthu monga ubweya kapena zopangira. Madokotala ayenera kulangiza odwala za kupewa kutentha, chinyezi, ndi ntchito zapanja. Kuchita masewera olimbitsa thupi kumakhala kwabwino, koma odwala ayenera kusamba pambuyo pake ndikuumitsa bwino malo omwe akhudzidwa. Kwa intertrigo pakati pa zala, kuvala nsapato zotseguka kungathandize. Matenda a bakiteriya kapena mafangasi ayenera kuthandizidwa ndi antiseptics, antibiotics, kapena antifungal, malingana ndi zomwe zimayambitsa.
Intertrigo is the disease when skin folds become inflamed due to rubbing against each other. It's a common issue that affects areas where skin touches skin or mucous membranes. In kids, it can show up as diaper rash. It happens in natural skin folds and also in folds created by obesity. Friction in these areas can lead to complications like bacterial or fungal infections. The usual way to manage intertrigo is to reduce moisture and friction using powders like cornstarch or barrier creams. Patients should wear loose, breathable clothes and avoid materials like wool or synthetics. Doctors should advise patients on avoiding heat, humidity, and outdoor activities. Exercise is usually good, but patients should shower afterward and thoroughly dry affected areas. For intertrigo between the toes, wearing open-toed shoes can help. Bacterial or fungal infections should be treated with antiseptics, antibiotics, or antifungals, depending on the cause.
Intertrigo 30285384 NIH
Intertrigo ndi khungu lomwe limayambitsa kutupa m'makwinya akhungu, makamaka chifukwa cha kutentha, kukangana, chinyezi, komanso kusayenda bwino kwa mpweya. Nthawi zambiri imatenga kachilombo, makamaka ndi Candida, koma majeremusi ena amathanso kutenga nawo mbali. Intertrigo imatha kukhudza anthu amisinkhu yonse ndipo nthawi zambiri imapezeka potengera zizindikiro zachipatala. Malo omwe anthu ambiri amakhudzidwa nawo ndi monga mkhwapa, pansi pa mabere, makwinya a pamimba, ndi ntchafu. Khungu lomwe lakhudzidwa nthawi zambiri limawoneka lofiira, ndipo zotupa zowonjezera zimatha kuchitika pakapita nthawi kapena mwakusintha.
Intertrigo is a superficial inflammatory skin condition of the skin's flexural surfaces, prompted or irritated by warm temperatures, friction, moisture, maceration, and poor ventilation. Intertrigo's Latin translation, inter (between), and terere (to rub) helps explain the physiology of the condition. Intertrigo commonly becomes secondarily infected, notably with Candida; however, other viral or bacterial etiologies may play a factor in its pathogenesis. Intertrigo can be seen in all ages and is primarily a clinical diagnosis, with the frequently affected areas being the axilla, inframammary creases, abdominal folds, and perineum. Characteristically, the lesions are erythematous patches of various intensity with secondary lesions appearing as the condition progresses or is manipulated.
Mawu akuti " intertrigo " nthawi zambiri amatanthauza matenda achiwiri ndi mabakiteriya (monga Corynebacterium minutissimum), bowa (monga Candida albicans), kapena ma virus. Choyambitsa chofala kwambiri ndi matenda a Candida.
Intertrigo imapezeka nthawi zambiri m'malo otentha komanso a chinyezi. Nthawi zambiri, intertrigo imapezeka kwambiri mwa anthu omwe ali ndi chitetezo chamthupi chofooka kuphatikiza ana, okalamba, ndi anthu omwe alibe chitetezo chamthupi. Intertrigo imakhalanso yofala kwambiri mwa anthu omwe ali ndi vuto la mkodzo komanso kuchepa kwa mphamvu yosuntha.
○ Chithandizo ― OTC Mankhwala
* OTC antifungal mankhwala
Chifukwa Candida albicans ndiye chifukwa chofala kwambiri, antifungal wothandizira amalembedwa nthawi zambiri.
#Butenafine [Lotrimin]
* OTC steroid
Ma OTC steroids amatha kugwiritsidwa ntchito limodzi kuti achepetse ziwengo kapena kutupa koyipa.
#Hydrocortisone lotion