Juvenile xanthogranulomahttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juvenile_xanthogranuloma
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Yellow nodule mwa ana. Zofanana Juvenile xanthogranuloma
relevance score : -100.0%
References Juvenile Xanthogranuloma 30252359 NIH
Juvenile xanthogranuloma (JXG) ndizovuta komanso mtundu wa non-Langerhans cell histiocytic disorder mwa ana. Pafupifupi 75% ya milandu, zotupazi zimawonekera m'chaka choyamba cha moyo, ndipo odwala 15-20% amakhala nawo kuyambira kubadwa. Ngakhale kuti ndizosowa kwa akuluakulu, JXG imapezeka nthawi zambiri mwa anthu omwe ali ndi zaka za m'ma makumi awiri mpaka makumi atatu, ndipo odwala ambiri amakhala ndi chotupa chimodzi chokha. Zachipatala, zimawoneka ngati zotupa zamtundu umodzi kapena zingapo zachikasu-lalanje-bulauni, makamaka kumaso, khosi, ndi kumtunda kwa thupi. Zilonda zapakamwa ndizosazolowereka koma zimatha kuwoneka ngati zotupa zachikasu kumbali ya lilime kapena kwina kulikonse mkamwa, zomwe zimatsogolera ku zilonda ndi kutuluka magazi. Zilonda zapakhungu nthawi zambiri sizimayambitsa zizindikiro ndipo zimachoka zokha kwa zaka zingapo. Ngakhale kuti ndizosowa, kukhudzidwa kwa maso ndi nkhani yofala kwambiri kupitirira khungu, kutsatiridwa ndi mapapu. Ocular JXG nthawi zambiri imakhudza diso limodzi lokha ndipo imapezeka mwa odwala osakwana 0. 5 %, ngakhale pafupifupi 40% ya omwe ali ndi vuto la maso amakhalanso ndi zotupa zambiri pakhungu akapezeka.
Juvenile xanthogranuloma (JXG) is a relatively common entity and is the most common form of non-Langerhans cell histiocytic disorder of childhood., It is estimated that in 75% of cases, lesions appear during the first year of life, with >15-20% of patients having lesions at birth. JXG is rare in adults, with a peak incidence in the late twenties to thirties. The majority of adult patients have solitary lesions. Typically, the clinical presentation consists of solitary or multiple yellow-orange-brown firm papules or nodules. The most common locations are the face, neck, and upper torso. Oral lesions are rare and often occur as a yellow nodule on the lateral aspects of the tongue. Oral lesions can also arise on the gingival, buccal mucosa, and midline hard palate and may ulcerate and bleed. Cutaneous lesions are usually asymptomatic, and most lesions spontaneously involute over the course of several years. Although occurring rarely, ocular involvement is the most common extracutaneous site involved, followed by the lungs. Ocular JXG is nearly always unilateral and develops in less than 0.5% of patients. Approximately 40% of patients with ocular JXG, however, have multiple cutaneous lesions at the time of diagnosis.
Juvenile Xanthogranuloma: An Entity With a Wide Clinical Spectrum 32721389Juvenile xanthogranulomas (JXGs) ndizosazolowereka, matenda owopsa omwe ali mgulu lalikulu la non-Langerhans cell histiocytoses. Amawoneka ngati zotupa zofiira kapena zachikasu, zomwe nthawi zambiri zimapezeka pamutu kapena pakhosi. Ma JXG ambiri amakula pobadwa kapena m'chaka choyamba cha moyo. Ngakhale ndizosazolowereka, nthawi zina zimatha kukhudza madera omwe ali kunja kwa khungu, ndikukhudzidwa ndi maso kukhala chinthu choyenera kuyang'ana malinga ndi mabuku omwe alipo. Nthawi zambiri, ma JXG pakhungu amapita okha ndipo safuna chithandizo.
Juvenile xanthogranulomas (JXGs) are uncommon, benign diseases that are part of a larger category of non-Langerhans cell histiocytoses. They typically show up as one or more red or yellowish lumps, often found on the head or neck. Most JXGs develop either at birth or within the first year of life. While it's unusual, sometimes they can affect areas beyond the skin, with eye involvement being something to watch for according to existing literature. Generally, JXGs on the skin go away on their own and typically don't need treatment.
Zilonda zam'maso zimawonekera mpaka 10% mwa anthu omwe ali ndi JXG ndipo zingakhudze masomphenya awo. Ngakhale kuti zotupa za pakhungu nthawi zambiri zimazimiririka zokha, zotupa m'maso sizingochitika zokha ndipo zimafunikira chithandizo.