Melasma ndi nkhope yopyapyala kapena yakuda. Akuganiza kuti melasma imayamba chifukwa cha kupsa ndi dzuwa, chibadwa, kusintha kwa timadzi ta m’thupi, ndiponso kupsa mtima pakhungu. Ngakhale zingakhudze aliyense, zimakhala zofala makamaka kwa amayi, makamaka amayi apakati komanso omwe akumwa mankhwala olerera kapena owonjezera ma hormone.

Melasma sangathe kuthetsedwa ndi chithandizo cha laser kwa nthawi inayake, chifukwa ndi matenda omwe pigment imapangidwa mosalekeza. Tranxenemic acid imathandizira kuchepetsa kukula kwa pigmentation.

M'mayiko ena (monga Japan, Korea), oral tranexamic acid imapezeka pa kauntala ndipo imakhala yogwira mtima. Mafuta a melasma okhala ndi tranexamic acid ndi azelaic acid angakhale othandiza pang'ono.
Hydroquinone itha kugwiritsidwa ntchito pamutu pochiza hyperpigmentation, koma a FDA adayimitsa zinthu za OTC zomwe zili ndi hydroquinone kuyambira 2020.
#Tranexamic acid [TRANSINO]

#Laser toning technique (low fluence QS1064 laser)
☆ Muzotsatira za 2022 Stiftung Warentest zochokera ku Germany, kukhutitsidwa kwa ogula ndi ModelDerm kunali kotsika pang'ono kusiyana ndi kuyankhulana kwa telemedicine komwe kulipiridwa.
  • Ndi chikhalidwe chofala chomwe chimawonedwa mwa azimayi aku Asia azaka zawo zoyambira 40. Chotupa chozungulira pachithunzichi chili pafupi ndi lentigo osati melasma.
    References Efficacy and Safety of Tranexamic Acid in Melasma: A Meta-analysis and Systematic Review 28374042
    Tranexamic acid is a novel treatment option for melasma; however, there is no consensus on its use. This systematic review searched major databases for relevant publications to March 2016. Eleven studies with 667 participants were included. Pooled data from tranexamic acid-only observational studies with pre- and post-treatment Melasma Area and Severity Index (MASI) showed a decrease of 1.60 in MASI after treat?ment with tranexamic acid. The addition of tranexamic acid to routine treatment modalities resulted in a further decrease in MASI of 0.94. These results support the efficacy and safety of tranexamic acid, either alone or as an adjuvant to routine treatment modalities for melasma.
     The Low-Fluence Q-Switched Nd:YAG Laser Treatment for Melasma: A Systematic Review 35888655 
    Posachedwapa, low-fluence Q-switched Nd:YAG (LFQSNY) laser yakhala yotchuka pochiza melasma, makamaka ku Asia. Kufotokozera mwachidule maphunziro osiyanasiyana kunali kovuta, koma LFQSNY imawoneka yothandiza komanso yotetezeka ku melasma poyerekeza ndi mankhwala azikhalidwe. Komabe, zochitika zina za mottled hypopigmentation zanenedwa ngati zotsatira za LFQSNY, mwina chifukwa cha mphamvu yayikulu ya laser. Kugwiritsa ntchito mwamphamvu kwa LFQSNY kungayambitsenso hyperpigmentation kuchokera kutupa, makamaka pakhungu lakuda.
    Recently, the low-fluence Q-switched Nd:YAG laser (LFQSNY) has been widely used for treating melasma, especially in Asia. It was hard to summarize the heterogenous studies, but LFQSNY appeared to be a generally effective and safe treatment for melasma considering the results of previous conventional therapies. However, mottled hypopigmentation has been occasionally reported to develop and persist as an adverse event of LFQSNY, which may be associated with the high accumulated laser energy. When used aggressively, even LFQSNY can induce hyperpigmentation via unwanted inflammation, especially in darker skin.
     Pigmentation Disorders: Diagnosis and Management 29431372
    Mavuto a pigmentation nthawi zambiri amapezeka mu chisamaliro choyambirira. Mitundu yodziwika bwino ya matenda a hyperpigmentation ndi post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, melasma, sunspots, freckles, café au lait spots.
    Pigmentation problems are often found in primary care. Common types of hyperpigmentation disorders include post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, melasma, sunspots, freckles, café au lait spots.