Nevus sebaceus or sebaceous nevus (also known as an "organoid nevus") is a congenital, hairless plaque that typically occurs on the face or scalp. Such nevi are classified as epidermal nevi and can be present at birth, or early childhood, and affect males and females of all races equally.
☆ Muzotsatira za 2022 Stiftung Warentest zochokera ku Germany, kukhutitsidwa kwa ogula ndi ModelDerm kunali kotsika pang'ono kusiyana ndi kuyankhulana kwa telemedicine komwe kulipiridwa.
Kubadwa, kumawoneka ngati alopecia wokhala ndi chigamba chachikasu. Ndi zaka, chotupacho pang'onopang'ono thickens.
Zimapezeka makamaka pamutu, koma zimatha kuchitikanso pankhope.
Nevus sebaceus ndi chilema chobadwa kumene pamakhala kukula kwachilendo kwa zipolopolo za tsitsi ndi zotupa zamafuta. Zomerazi nthawi zambiri zimachitika pamutu koma zimatha kuwonekeranso pamphumi, kumaso, kapena khosi. Amakonda kukula kwambiri panthawi yakutha msinkhu chifukwa cha kusintha kwa mahomoni. Akakula, zotupazi zimatha kuyambitsa zotupa zowonjezera (trichoblastoma) . Momwe mungasamalire zophukazi zimatsutsanabe, ndi zosankha kuyambira kungoyang'ana mpaka kuzichotsa kuyambira ali mwana. Nevus sebaceus of Jadassohn also referred to as organoid nevus, is a congenital malformation involving hamartomas of the pilosebaceous follicular unit. These growths most commonly form on the scalp, but may also appear on the forehead, face, or neck. They undergo a growth phase during puberty due to hormonal changes. In adulthood, the growths may develop secondary neoplasms within them, most commonly trichoblastoma. The treatment of these lesions is controversial, with options ranging from observation to early excision in childhood.
Congenital melanocytic nevus ndi mtundu wa chizindikiro chobadwa chomwe chimayamba pakubadwa kapena ali wakhanda. Nevus sebaceous ndi vuto lapakhungu lomwe limakhudza minyewa yatsitsi. Mu kafukufukuyu, tinagwiritsa ntchito njira ya laser yotchedwa pinhole njira yokhala ndi Erbium: YAG laser pochiza zilonda za nevus mwa odwala osiyanasiyana. Congenital melanocytic nevus (CMN) is a melanocytic nevus that is either present at birth or appears during the latter stages of infancy. Nevus sebaceous has been described as the hamartomatous locus of an embryologically defective pilosebaceous unit. Here, we describe how we used the pinhole technique with an erbium-doped yttrium aluminium garnet (erbium : YAG) laser to treat nevi lesions in different patients.
Basal cell carcinoma imatha kuchitika mu sebaceous nevi, nthawi zambiri akakula. Komabe, chiŵerengero cha zilonda zoterozo tsopano chikudziŵika kukhala chochepa poyerekezera ndi chimene chinayerekezedwa. Pachifukwa ichi, kuchotsa prophylactic sikuvomerezeka.