Pompholyx ndi mtundu wa dermatitis womwe umadziwika ndi matuza oyaka m'manja ndi m'munsi mwa mapazi. Matuza nthawi zambiri amakhala milimita imodzi kapena ziwiri kukula kwake ndipo amachira pakadutsa milungu itatu. Komabe, nthawi zambiri zimachitikanso. Kufiira sikumakhalapo nthawi zambiri. Kubwerezabwereza kwa matendawa kungayambitse ming'alu ndi kukhuthala kwa khungu.

Matendawa, kupsinjika kwakuthupi kapena m'maganizo, kusamba m'manja pafupipafupi, kapena zitsulo zimakulitsa matendawa. Matendawa nthawi zambiri amatengera momwe amawonekera komanso zizindikiro zake. Zina zomwe zimabweretsa zizindikiro zofanana ndi pustular psoriasis ndi mphere.

Chithandizo nthawi zambiri chimakhala ndi steroid cream. Mafuta amphamvu kwambiri a steroid angafunike kwa sabata yoyamba kapena ziwiri. Antihistamines angagwiritsidwe ntchito kuthandizira kuyabwa.

Chithandizo ― OTC Mankhwala
Osagwiritsa ntchito sopo. Popeza mitengo ya kanjedza ndi zitsulo zili ndi khungu lakuda, mafuta otsika a OTC steroid sangakhale othandiza. Kutenga antihistamine ya OTC kungathandizenso.
#OTC steroid ointment
#OTC antihistamine

#High potency steroid ointment
☆ Muzotsatira za 2022 Stiftung Warentest zochokera ku Germany, kukhutitsidwa kwa ogula ndi ModelDerm kunali kotsika pang'ono kusiyana ndi kuyankhulana kwa telemedicine komwe kulipiridwa.
  • Dyshidrotic dermatitis ― Mlandu waukulu m'manja
  • Zikuwoneka kuti chotupacho chatsala pang'ono kusintha.
  • Munthawi yayitali, chigamba cha mamba chimatha kuwonedwa.
  • Matuza owoneka bwino limodzi ndi kuyabwa kwambiri.
  • Palmar dyshidrosis ― Peeling stage
  • Pazovuta kwambiri, zimatha kuwoneka ngati matuza okhala ndi kuyabwa kwambiri.
References Dyshidrotic Eczema: A Common Cause of Palmar Dermatitis 33173645 
Dyshidrotic eczema , yomwe imadziwikanso kuti acute palmoplantar eczema, ndi mtundu wamba wa dermatitis wamanja mwa akulu. Zimapanga pafupifupi 5-20% ya milandu ya manja a dermatitis. Matendawa amadziwika ndi matuza ang'onoang'ono odzaza madzi m'mbali mwa zala ndi kanjedza, chifukwa cha kutupa kunja kwa khungu. Nthawi zina, matuzawa amatha kuphatikizana kupanga zazikulu, zonga 'tapioca pudding'. Zikavuta kwambiri, zidzolo zimatha kufalikira pachikhatho chonse cha dzanja. Kuzindikira kumachitika chifukwa cha matenda obwera chifukwa cha zidzolo zomwe zimawonekera mwadzidzidzi pa zala ndikufalikira m'manja.
Dyshidrotic eczema (DE) or acute palmoplantar eczema is a common cause of hand dermatitis in adults. It accounts for 5-20% of the causes of DE. It is a vesiculobullous disorder of the hands and soles. It is an intraepidermal spongiosis of the thick epidermis in which accumulation of edema causes the formation of small, tense, clear, fluid-filled vesicles on the lateral aspects of the fingers that can become large and form bullae. The vesicles can have a deep-seated appearance, which is referred to as “tapioca pudding.” In severe cases, lesions can extend to the palmar area and affect the entire palmar aspect of the hand. The diagnosis is mostly clinical and suggested by a recurrent rash of acute onset with vesicles and bullae located in the fingers extending to the palmar surfaces of the hands.
 Vesico-bullous rash caused by pompholyx eczema 22665876 
Mnyamata wina wazaka 31 adayendera dipatimenti ya dermatology ndi mbiri yamasiku 4 yokhala ndi matuza akulu m'manja mwa manja onse awiri. Posachedwapa adakumana ndi munthu yemwe anali ndi mphere. Wodwalayo anali ndi mbiri ya chikanga ndi mphumu kuyambira ali mwana koma anali asanakumanepo ndi vuto lililonse akakula. Poyang'aniridwa ndi kusanthula ma microscopic, matuza adawonedwa popanda zizindikiro za kukumba, nthata, kapena mazira. Kuzindikira koyambirira kwa pompholyx eczema kudapangidwa, ndipo wodwalayo adayamba kugwiritsa ntchito mankhwala ochepetsa topical corticosteroids. Komabe, wodwalayo adabwereranso patatha masiku 5 ali ndi zizindikiro zokulirakulira komanso zidzolo zotupa kwambiri.
A 31-year-old man presented to dermatology with a 4 day history of an intensely itchy, linear, vesicular rash affecting the palms of both hands, on the background of recent exposure to a patient with scabies. The patient had a history of childhood eczema and asthma but no exacerbations in adulthood. Examination and microscopy revealed a vesicular rash with an absence of any burrows, mites or eggs. A provisional diagnosis of pompholyx eczema was made and the patient was commenced on mild topical corticosteroids. The patient re-presented 5 days later with worsening symptoms and a severe vesico-bullous rash