Prurigo nodularis
Prurigo nodularis ndi matenda apakhungu omwe amadziwika ndi ma pruritic nodules omwe nthawi zambiri amawonekera m'manja kapena miyendo. Odwala nthawi zambiri amakhala ndi zotupa zingapo zomwe zimayambitsidwa ndi kukanda. Manodules ndi osiyana, nthawi zambiri symmetric, hyperpigmented, ndi olimba. Nthawi zambiri, tinthu tating'onoting'ono tating'onoting'ono timakhala totupa kwambiri ndipo amachepetsedwa ndi ma steroids.

Chithandizo ― OTC Mankhwala
Kutsuka malo otupa ndi sopo sikuthandiza nkomwe ndipo kumatha kuipiraipira. Mafuta odzola a OTC steroid angathandize kuchepetsa zizindikiro, koma nthawi zambiri amafunika kuikidwa kwa masabata angapo kuti asinthe. Kupitiliza kumwa antihistamines kumathandizanso kuchepetsa kuyabwa.
#OTC steroid ointment
#OTC antihistamine

#Intralesional triamcinolone injection
☆ Muzotsatira za 2022 Stiftung Warentest zochokera ku Germany, kukhutitsidwa kwa ogula ndi ModelDerm kunali kotsika pang'ono kusiyana ndi kuyankhulana kwa telemedicine komwe kulipiridwa.
      References Prurigo Nodularis 29083653 
      Prurigo nodularis ndi khungu lokhalitsa kwanthawi yayitali lomwe limadziwika ndi ziphuphu zambiri zolimba komanso tinthu tating'onoting'ono, zomwe nthawi zambiri zimapezeka kunja kwa mikono ndi miyendo. Ziphuphuzi zimatha kukhala zamitundu yosiyanasiyana kuchokera ku thupi kupita ku pinki ndipo zimakhala zoyabwa kwambiri. Zitha kukhudza anthu amsinkhu uliwonse ndipo nthawi zambiri zimalumikizidwa ndi zikhalidwe zina zapakhungu zomwe zimayambitsa kuyabwa kosatha, monga atopic dermatitis. Njira zochiritsira zimaphatikizapo mankhwala amphamvu oletsa kuyabwa, mankhwala omwe amakhudza chitetezo cha mthupi, ndi mankhwala omwe amakhudza dongosolo la mitsempha. Kusamalira prurigo nodularis nthawi zambiri kumaphatikizapo chithandizo cha nthawi yaitali.
      Prurigo nodularis is a chronic disorder of the skin that is classically seen as multiple, firm, flesh to pink colored papules, plaques and nodules commonly located on the extensor surfaces of the extremities. The lesions are very pruritic and can occur in any age group. It is commonly associated with another disease such as atopic dermatitis or any dermatoses associated with chronic pruritus. The therapeutic approach is wide-arrayed ranging from treatments that act as - potent antipruritics, immunomodulators, and neuromodulators. Treatment in an established case is prolonged and improving patient compliance with education and counseling is important.
       Treatment-resistant prurigo nodularis: challenges and solutions 30881076 
      Chithandizo nthawi zambiri chimaphatikizapo kugwiritsa ntchito mafuta odzola kapena jakisoni wa ma steroid pamalo okhudzidwa. Pazovuta kwambiri kapena zovuta, chithandizo chamankhwala chopepuka kapena mankhwala omwe amalepheretsa chitetezo chamthupi chingafunike. Thalidomide ndi lenalidomide ndizosankha pazochitika zazikulu, koma zimatha kukhala ndi zotsatira zoyipa. Mankhwala atsopano (opioid receptor antagonists, neurokinin-1 receptor antagonists) amasonyeza lonjezo pochiza prurigo nodularis ndi zotsatira zochepa poyerekeza ndi thalidomide kapena lenalidomide.
      Treatment typically relies on the use of topical or intralesional steroids, though more severe or recalcitrant cases often necessitate the use of phototherapy or systemic immunosuppressives. Thalidomide and lenalidomide can both be used in severe cases; however, their toxicity profile makes them less favorable. Opioid receptor antagonists and neurokinin-1 receptor antagonists represent two novel families of therapeutic agents which may effectively treat PN with a lower toxicity profile than thalidomide or lenalidomide.
       Chronic Prurigo Including Prurigo Nodularis: New Insights and Treatments 37717255 
      Chronic prurigo ndi khungu lomwe limadziwika ndi kuyabwa kwanthawi yayitali (kupitilira milungu 6) , zotupa zokhudzana ndi kukanda, komanso mbiri yakukanda pafupipafupi. Zimaphatikizapo neuroinflammation ndi fibrosis pakhungu.
      Chronic prurigo (CPG) is a neuroinflammatory, fibrotic dermatosis that is defined by the presence of chronic pruritus (itch lasting longer than 6 weeks), scratch-associated pruriginous skin lesions and history of repeated scratching.
       Prurigo Nodularis: Review and Emerging Treatments 34077168
      Prurigo nodularis ndi vuto lapakhungu lokhalitsa lomwe limadziwika ndi ma nodule oyabwa. Sitikudziwa chomwe chimayambitsa matendawa, koma zikuwoneka kuti zovuta za chitetezo cha mthupi ndi mitsempha zimathandizira kuti pakhale ngozi. Pakali pano, palibe mankhwala aliwonse ovomerezeka ndi US FDA makamaka prurigo nodularis.
      Prurigo nodularis is a long-lasting skin problem marked by itchy nodules. We don't know exactly what causes it, but it seems that immune and nerve issues play a role in the itch-scratch cycle. Right now, there aren't any treatments approved by the US FDA specifically for prurigo nodularis.