Prurigo pigmentosa
Prurigo pigmentosa ndi khungu lachilendo lomwe silikudziwika chifukwa chake, lomwe limadziwika ndi kuyambika kwadzidzidzi kwa erythematous papules yomwe imasiya reticulated hyperpigmentation ikachira. Matendawa nthawi zina amayamba chifukwa choletsa zakudya zomwe zatsala pang'ono kutha.

☆ Muzotsatira za 2022 Stiftung Warentest zochokera ku Germany, kukhutitsidwa kwa ogula ndi ModelDerm kunali kotsika pang'ono kusiyana ndi kuyankhulana kwa telemedicine komwe kulipiridwa.
  • Amadziwika ndi kuyabwa kobwerezabwereza komwe kumakhala ndi hyperpigmentation ya net.
  • Wanthawi Prurigo pigmentosa
  • Zitha kuchitikanso pambuyo pochepetsa thupi mwachangu.
References Prurigo Pigmentosa 38261670 
Prurigo pigmentosa ndi chikhalidwe chosowa chotupa pakhungu chomwe chinafotokozedwa koyamba ndi Nagashima et al mu 1971. Imakhudza makamaka atsikana achichepere ochokera ku East Asia koma imatha kuchitikanso kwa ena. Imawonekera ngati zidzolo zofananira za zotupa zofiira pakhosi, pachifuwa, ndi kumbuyo. Ziphuphuzi nthawi zambiri zimapanga chitsanzo chofanana ndi ukonde ndipo zimatha kubwera ndi kupita, kusiya zigamba zakuda pakhungu. Prurigo pigmentosa ikhoza kuyambitsidwa ndi kusintha kwa kagayidwe kachakudya, monga zomwe zimayambitsidwa ndi zakudya za ketogenic, zomwe zakhala zikudziwika kwambiri posachedwapa.
Prurigo pigmentosa, also known as Nagashima disease or keto rash, is a rare inflammatory skin disease initially described by Nagashima et al in 1971. Prurigo pigmentosa typically, but not exclusively, affects young females of East Asian ethnicity, presenting as a symmetrical eruption of urticarial papules on the neck, chest, and back. The papular eruption typically coalesces into a reticulated pattern that repeatedly resolves and recurs, resulting in hyperpigmented skin of cosmetic concern. Prurigo pigmentosa can be triggered by metabolic derangements, including those secondary to ketogenic diets, which have experienced a rise in popularity in recent years.
 Prurigo pigmentosa: A multi-institutional retrospective study 37001731
Prurigo pigmentosa ndi vuto la khungu lomwe limayambitsa mwadzidzidzi, kuyabwa, totupa mofiyira ngati ukonde wotsatiridwa ndi madontho akuda. Posachedwapa, maumboni ena adakhazikitsidwa kuti Prurigo pigmentosa imagwirizanitsidwa ndi zakudya za ketogenic. Zitha kukhudza anthu amisinkhu yosiyana ndi amuna kapena akazi, ndi chizolowezi chofala kwambiri mwa akazi. Ngati kubwereranso kumadyedwe anthawi zonse kapena kugwiritsa ntchito mankhwala akhungu sikuthandiza, madokotala atha kukupatsani mankhwala opha maantibayotiki monga doxycycline kapena minocycline (100 mg kawiri tsiku lililonse kwa miyezi 1 mpaka 2) .
Prurigo pigmentosa is a skin condition causing sudden, itchy, red bumps in a net-like pattern followed by dark spots. Lately, some evidences were founded that Prurigo pigmentosa is associated with the ketogenic diet. It can affect people of different ages and genders, with a tendency to be more common in females. In cases where returning to a regular diet or using skin treatments doesn't fully help, doctors may prescribe a course of oral antibiotics like doxycycline or minocycline (100 mg twice daily for 1 to 2 months).